Day One

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Naruto watched as the villagers were walking around. It was intriguing to see them go about their day and not try killing him for just being there. It was a nice change of pace. He walked into a small shop and was looking around. He quickly noticed that it was a weapons shop and thought there was some cool stuff.

"Hey what you doing here kiddo?" a guy said. He could only figure that the guy owned the shop. He wore a brown uniform and had a blue headband tied around his arm with the cloud symbol on the metal plate facing outward.

"I don't know. I'm still learning the places of this district."

"Oh your family just move to this side? Maybe I know them. Who are your parents?"

" isn't quite like that. So what is this place?"

"Ah this is my Ninja Shop. You can get gear, weapons, and even some different types of clothing from here to help with training and whatnot."

"Sounds cool. What are some of the cool stuff you've got?"

"Follow me kid. I'll show you around the shop. How long will it be until your parents come for you?"

Naruto glanced away. "Damn, won't stop asking about parents." Naruto looked at the man and smiled, "They won't be."



"Oh ok. Well let me give you a tour. Maybe we'll go get something to eat later."

Naruto jumped up "Yay! Let's do this!"

The man chuckled as he led Naruto around the store. There were many different types of swords, different types of bo, a few num-chuk variants, and of course many, many kunai and shuriken. There were other miscellaneous weapons there like blow darts and senbon. He had a few different melee weapons like machetes or other stuff.

There were smoke bombs and even some in different colors. The smoke bombs didn't stop there, they even contained different poisons or when detonated would release metal beads that flew at high-speed which caused a lot blunt force trauma, in some cases lethal. There were explosive tags of varying degrees of blast radius and barrier tags that were sold in packs of four since it took four or more depending on the size of the barrier.

It seemed like there were a lot of various things in the shop and the once seemingly small shop seemed to only grow as they went along. They came across grappling hooks, bows and many types of arrows, crossbows and axes/tomahawks.

They came across the training gear of different compression clothing, gloves and head gear. There was normal clothing for battle, cloaks, jackets, different headbands for different styles of look or wear. All in all, Naruto wondered when this tour would end since it seemed to go forever. Not that it wasn't cool but the shop didn't seem this big when he walked in.

For once he felt deceived and that a new feeling. It wasn't that cool to be the one on the receiving end but he knew it wasn't purposeful. This guy just knew how to use his space.

"Actually, it's my lady that does the organizing. If it weren't for her, I couldn't fit even half this stuff. Well her and my daughter." He must have known what Naruto was thinking and was humored by it.

"Your lady?"

"Wife. Sorry, just how me and my friends grew up saying our girlfriends or wives now."

"You have multiple wives?"

"Haha no kiddo. I meant between me and friends."

"You share a wife?"

"Oh lord no! We have our own haha!"

Naruto laughed while being a little embarrassed at the misunderstanding. He scratched the back of his head and looked around to see a navy blue overcoat that he thought looked cool. "Hmmm that'd be cool."

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