The Fifth Raikage

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A tall six foot three inch man with long waist length spiky white hair dust him self off with a massive smile. "Ah, infiltration successful!"

He looked up and saw somebody standing ten feet away from him. Their arms were crossed and his hair blew, as well as a long coat made of a silk like material that was white and had golden lightning on the bottom that came up. The length of it hung down to the ankles. It had a high collar reaching to the same level as the mid ear, the sleeves came down to the mid bicep, there was nothing that held the open cloak shut except a small rope that was gold. The person had a Jonin vest and a black long sleeve shirt beneath the two, as well as black pants, taped at the ankles.

The person had their arms crossed and had a serious, but emotionless gaze that stared into the infiltrator's soul. "You seriously thought you'd get into my village without my knowing?"

The tall man had to look down slightly to meet the eyes of the person in front of him. "Ah...who are you supposed to be?" The blue eyes and golden blonde hair struck a string in the tall man's heart. His arms hung at his sides and still wore his smile though, however his mind was racing trying to figure out the extent of this situation.

-Six Weeks Earlier-

"Say what now?" Naruto said.

Ay had his smirk and extended the folder to Naruto. "In here states your new position, as well as the signed approvals of each member of the village's council. As well as B's and my own."

Naruto took the folder and looked through it. Sure enough, it showed beside his name and photo that he was listed as the Fifth Raikage, on several other documents were the signed signatures showing the approval of the council members. He didn't recognize the names but knew it true, then A's and B's were there as well. He looked back and forth between A and the folder of documents.

"Hold on! Is Naruto really the new Raikage? Like for real?" Karui said throwing her arms around.

"Why are you stepping down?" Yugito said rather than questioning Naruto's new rank. She'd always believed he'd become Raikage but why now?

"I'm forty seven, not as old as that third Hokage but I'm old. On top of that I was going to wait until someone was capable, Naruto though is more than so!"

"Wait no, no I'm not! Lord Raikage I'm honored, truly but...I still have more to learn. More....more to-"

Ay rest his right hand on Naruto's shoulder and shook his head. "You have nothing more to try to prove Naruto. I, the council, B, we acknowledge you to be ready. Don't worry though, we will teach you, guide you. You're right, there is plenty to learn and that's why you'll be operating at a limited capacity for a while."

Naruto looked down and didn't know what to say. "Are...are you sure? Could I be strong protect them?"

"Yes. And don't worry, you still have me, B, the others. You're not alone. Being a Kage can feel that way sometimes, the weight of the village and everyone in it is a heavy one. They will all look to you, but don't become blinded and think it means that you no longer have allies, your friends."

"I will do my best, to keep proving myself to you, to everyone."

"Look up, Naruto. You're not one to show a defeated look! I know you'll do great and will continue to make us proud."

Naruto met eyes with the taller man and nodded slowly. "What do you need from me?"

"In a week we'll have the formal inauguration ceremony. For now, just keep working on your jutsu, place your new barrier, other than that, it's up to you." He turned away and began to walk away, "Let's go B. Give them some time."

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