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A few weeks became more like a few months. Naruto was an absolute sponge in the learning of his skills. Bee was truly impressed with the rate of progress. Not only in the shinobi arts but as a person. He wasn't an outgoing person and still very reclusive, but he slowly was becoming accustomed to trying to be more social.

He was trying to take to heart, the advice Bee would give and act accordingly. Just being used to being alone for so long was a habit that really was hard to avoid. The main thing helping him be used to have company was the fact that he and Bee had not left this sealed room at all. They were together the entire time and he was forced to be out of his comfort zone.

Could someone even call it a comfort zone? It was just what he was accustomed to and at times, his suffering was entirely self inflicted. Not purposely, but it was his fault that he was as depressed as he was.

It took Bee literally showing and telling Naruto that he's had more than enough opportunities to make his life so much better than it was. He was just choosing to remain secluded and alienated himself from everyone else. Kira, and Omoi always reached for him, he just always turned away. This time with Bee was just as much training as it was Naruto learning about life and reflecting on his choices.

Although he found Bee weird, he truly appreciated the fellow Jinchuriki. He wondered if he was like what having an older brother was like. The man was entertaining and lighthearted, unlike Naruto though, he didn't have to pretend to be happy. That was what Naruto wanted to have and when he looked back, he was happy during these months with Bee. He even realized that Omoi really had been right about his being happier with them.

This all made him wonder how much of his current state was on him. He didn't have to be lonely, and by extension sad, yet it was the choice he made and the path he walked. Naruto made the vow to try to change and actually return the bond with his friends.

"Ok, Naruto, it's bout time for you to go today. We check up weekly, what you say?"

"Very well, Bee-sama. Thank you, for everything. You've helped me learn a lot."

"You're a quick study. Something bout you that I envy. But you won't surpass me! The mighty killer Bee."

"We'll see, till next time." The door opened up and he was greeted by Kira. He smiled to her and surprisingly to her, he initiated a hug rather than stand awkwardly. "I'm sorry..."

"It's ok, Naruto."

"I haven't been the greatest friend to you guys..."

"You just never learned how to, Naruto. You might be clever, but you still have a lot to learn in regards to people."

"I'll try my best to be better. I promise."

She smiled and ruffled his hair. "How about we get some Takoyaki?"

He smiled and nodded as she shunshined them. When they arrived to the front of "Ray's" lightning swirled around them and it looked cool to Naruto. She never got tired of seeing his awe of her lightning shunshin.

He didn't go to the Academy for another couple days, rather spending time with Kira and Trey. Kira had missions though, and wasn't there the whole time. The thing about allowing himself to care for her and stuff meant that he was always now worried when she left. Naruto feared the day that she go on a mission and not return.

"Naruto, you should head back to the Academy soon."

"I know, Trey. I just don't know how to face them."

"Then don't. Ignore them. The ones who care about you, for you, will come to you."

"You're probably right. Are they back at the Academy now? Or are is it in an alternate location?"

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