New Jinchuriki

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"Raikage-sama, I think it's time we figured out a vessel for the Nibi."

"Yes...who are the candidates, currently?"

"Well we've had a few from the age group. Karui, Ru, Kira, and Yugito."

Mabui handed over a clipboard that had all their profiles and whatnot. As he flipped through the pages of each person he placed it down on the desk.

"Well, if we go off of supporting cast and factors of the such...Karui and Kira would be the two standouts. They have families and siblings that care for them."

Mabui nodded. "Yes. Why does there seem to be a 'but' coming?"

"Because there is. They may have the better support cast around d them, but there's a major issue with them. They are not too compatible with the Nibi. We can't risk a bad compatibility on the factors of support. When we haven't had a compatible vessel for Nibi, she's broken free every time. It's worse than Gyuki as you know, he's had his rampages but Nibi is more hostile. We need someone that is actually compatible for there to be a chance."

"Ok. Who do you think?"

"Ru's got the worst compatibility of them all so there's that. Oddly enough, Yugito here, has 100% compatibility."

"That's wonderful! So we will make her the Jinchuriki...wait? Why do you seem hesitant?"

"For one, we've never had a vessel with 100% compatibility to the Nibi. I'm not sure how that will turn out. On paper it looks great but, it could be a costly mistake. I'm not sure."

"The great Raikage hesitant? That's new!"

"NO! STOP SAYING SUCH FOOLISH THINGS! I'm saying that with 100% compatibility, who knows the results. Like Naruto has the Kyubi right...we have done no tests but we all know that the Kyubi is the epitome of hatred. A being of chaos. We have no idea Naruto's compatibility to it, and as such, his side effects could be from high or low compatibility but we won't know. Besides, you can't just do tests with the Kyubi, it's not like the other, it is in it's own league. He's also had the Kyubi since birth, he may not know but...maybe it makes a difference. What if we've been doing things wrong? Maybe we should switch to sealing within infants?"

"Raikage-sama...there's only two Jinchuriki that's been made from infancy. That is the Ichibi and of course the Kyubi. Both from this generation. It's untested...Kyubi was of circumstance due to the attack on Konoha. Ichibi, well we don't know but he's unstable as far as we have been able to gather."

Ay nodded as he leaned back in his seat. "Yes, it just seems like Naruto's sealing was a success. At least as of right now, I'm just curious on that is all. The second reason is, with that type of compatibility, she'll be able to be like Bee, and enter her Biju mode at will. If she becomes a risk, then she will be dangerous."

Mabui couldn't help but reluctantly nod. They couldn't afford another failure of a Jinchuriki. There's been too many. Compatible vessels were running out.

"Well, we've got your brother for that."

"Yes. I'm also worried about Naruto."

"He isn't getting the Nibi though."

"That's true. It's just that he's only the third Jinchuriki of the Kyubi. It's not like we have the same capabilities as the previous Jinchuriki to it to be able to stop it. We don't know if Naruto will develop those Uzumaki chains. We also don't have that Shodai Hokage's wood style."

"Isn't Bee enough?"

"Were you not listening when I said Kyubi is on a whole other level? Look, the worry is that the Nibi and Kyubi will feed from one another and result in two rampages, this will devastate the village."

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