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Hey y'all, so a lot thinking has been done in regard to the story. As seen, it's been a long time since I've worked on it. This was one of my first projects and I've always intended on coming back. Recently I've tried, I was developing a chapter, but it just hasn't felt right. Maybe I became to detached over time or it's just been too long of a gap since I last touched these characters and this plot. Regardless, since I had begun writing, I've been working on several projects, one of which is halfway done. Being called "The Uchiha and The Senju", yeah, I'm not very creative with titles haha. So, what's the point of mentioning all this? Instead of trying to awkwardly get going again and ultimately straying from anything originally intended because to be honest, I no longer remember everything I had planned. Should have taken notes but that's never been my style...So I'm recreating this story. I have friend I picked up along the way that's been contributing on some of the creative side of things so soon, once I begin this new version it will be better than it is now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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