The Journey: The Deal

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A small motorized boat rocked through the waters. A breeze pushed the long black hair of the person that sat up, watching the land get further away in the horizon. When he looked down in front of him, a golden blonde haired boy laid unconscious.

The night was young as the sky still had faint signs of the sun that once lit up the day. The main thought that was coming to mind, had been of what could the boy truly do? What was he capable of?

He remembered watching from afar as the barrier had gone up, and saw the seal he used to kill two of the Jonin. Itachi looked at Naruto in thought. "Had it not been for an Aburame slowing your healing and having tricked you, what would you have done next?"

His gaze shifted to the kunai in his hand. It was the one that had been beside Naruto when he went unconscious. There was a sealing matrix on it but over time, it had reduced down in size. The thought was that it was because the kunai was getting further out of position of the others. The barrier must have required a specific formation of the kunai.

Still, he was impressed at how Naruto managed against the opposition. It wasn't perfect in any means, but he did better than most he could think of. A Genin was pretty much dead when facing just one Jonin. Even Chunin would best a Genin in most circumstances. The Genin of Konoha wouldn't have faired well in his own opinion...

"Little are not prepared for the world you've will be."

-4 Hours Later-

Naruto groaned as he woke up and sat up to see Din in front of him. He blinked away his sleepiness and cracked his neck.

"What are you doing here, Din?"

"Had to make sure you'd be alright. Sorry for leaving you to that."

"It's fine...Why did they call you Itachi?"

"Straight to the point I see." Naruto nodded but didn't look guarded or worried at all. "That is my real name, Naruto. I'm Itachi Uchiha, heir to the Uchiha Clan."

"So that is the deep regret you hold. Itachi Uchiha... That's a cool name. Where are we?"

"That's it? You don't care that I'm an S Ranked Nukenin?"

Naruto shook his head. "You aren't my enemy. So why would I care? Yeah you're a labeled criminal in the eyes of Konoha, but you have done nothing to wrong me. If there was reason to worry, or you were my enemy, I'd be killed already."

Itachi nodded as it was a fair assessment. "Then you don-"

"I'm not going to ask about the incident. But I'll answer the question you were wondering about. When I disappeared from the was when I was three, a couple of shinobi came to me, offering me a new life, a fresh start elsewhere. That day I was beaten and still looked at as a I was interested in what they were saying. Then I ended up being taken to Kumogakure, and I've become a shinobi in their ranks."

"Huh, explains the coloring. Kumo...weren't they there for a peace treaty?"

Naruto shrugged "I know nothing of that. Regardless, that's what's happened."

"Then this journey of yours? What's the real purpose?"

"I am seeking knowledge and for remnants of what is rightfully mine...but I need to find a way to release myself of a curse."

"What kind of curse?"

"Not sure exactly, but the Shinigami has me marked. Kurama gave me the idea to coming to Uzushiogakure, and along this journey, I may have found a way to potentially be free."

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