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"It is time for you all to take your final exams. This will decide if you are to become Genin! You will report to your respective classes, you will be given an exam by that sensei. For the written, it will be your homeroom. You will be tested on your Taijutsu, you must last at a minimum, two minutes against your sensei. That same sensei will also test your physicals by testing you in a six mile run, push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. The next exam will be your test on kunai and shuriken which will be given by that sensei respectively. If you were trying to reach mastery of a certain weapon before graduating, that exam will be your last chance to do so. These exams will span over two days. You have tonight and tomorrow to rest and get last minute prep in. Any questions?"

No questions came and they were dismissed. Three years had gone by fast, a lot went down. Naruto continued a pattern of missing a lot of class but when he came, it seemed like something always special happened. It was meant though with the worry that he may lose it again. The brownies hadn't messed with him again aside from the spars but after that decisive victory that Naruto had, they didn't look to fight him.

Rather if they did, it was because they had to. Still, he was in an off limbo of being feared and taunted as a "weak demon". One thing was for sure, he seemingly had to personalities or approaches to fights and whatnot. If you never bothered him, he was lazy and uninterested, if you taunted him...he destroyed you.

Omoi rose in the rankings and was fifth overall. Karui just above him. Yugito number one and Samui at number two...but it wasn't close. Yugito in the three years really separated herself from her peers.

There was nobody that came close when it came to all the scores. The only thing she wasn't number one in, was the weapons mastery, that title went to Naruto. He during his time, mastered every single weapon that the academy taught. The only person ever to do so. Funny, how the one category that he ranked number one in, he made a category all to himself out of it.

This wouldn't be enough though as that was his only good score. In the end, it was the only thing he applied himself to and had put true effort in. The masters all had nothing but praise for the boy. Even Namrata couldn't deny Naruto's capabilities when he put forth the effort. She wondered how great Naruto would have been had he tried.

"Naruto, what will you be doing tomorrow?"

He turned to Omoi and thought for a second. "I think I will be completing my research. I had a massive gain in progress recently and want to get it done before the teams are gathered."

"Can you tell me now? I've been bugging you about it for three years!"

Naruto shook his head with an amused smile. "Nope. But I'll see you later, Omoi."

Naruto walked off and Omoi could only sigh in defeat. Looked like he still wouldn't get to know.

"What has him so cheery?"

"Woah God! Don't sneak up on people like that, Yugito!"


"He says he might finally complete something that he's been working on for the past three years."

"What is it?"

"I don't know! He hasn't told me for the past three years! I'm starting to wonder what it could be."

"Three years huh? What was it?" Yugito thought and shook her head. "See you in two days."

Omoi nodded before leaving as well. Naruto looked at several scrolls that laid out in front of him. Each one was for each of the elements. He channeled chakra into them, and the respective element of each scroll was expelled from the scroll.

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