The Chunin Exams

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"So the third floor in 302?" Omoi said looking to the rest of his fellow Kumo Genin.

He got a nod from everyone except Naruto who was looking at the door number intently. "Yo, no time to be lost in space, Uzumaki." Rin said giving a light punch to his shoulder.

"Yeah yeah I know. Something just feels off."

"I know, I feel it too." Yugito said coming beside Naruto. "I think it could be-"

"Drop this Genjutsu, now!" a voice commanded.

Naruto shook his head and pinched at the bridge of his nose. "This guy..."

"What? You know him?" Yugito said grabbing his shoulder to bring him back to them.

With a lazy nod he sighed. "Yeah, some Uchiha apparently. Guy needs to relax and lay low." Naruto said, rubbing the back of his head. "He really is nothing like Itachi at all...Regardless, I can't let you die, so..."

"Ah, Naruto huh. What brings you here?" Sasuke said with a smirk.

" know already."

"I'm going to beat you and that weird guy. Just you wait."

"Listen, Sasuke. You should really relax a bit. That 'weird guy' isn't some run of the mill Genin. If I were you, Uchiha pride and all, I'd avoid him at all costs."

"And why would I do that?"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Sasuke, if you look for battle, you will surely fall."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Find the right moment to strike is all I'm saying. Even with your can't see everything."

Sasuke took a step back and was shocked. "What do you know about my eyes?"

"Enough. Now Sasuke, before we continue on with our lives, tell me...why do you act as you do? Not enough attention growing up?"

With widened eyes, Sasuke stammered for a response. Who the hell was this Naruto guy? How could he just break him down like nothing? They didn't even know each other. "What are you getting at?"

"Sasuke...take a step back and think hard about yourself. Are you being you? Or trying to be what was expected of you, or what's been forced on you? Do you like how things are now?"

"So, you are the Genin sent by Kumo. You guys don't look like much." a new voice said, entering the fray.

When they looked over, they saw a new team there. One wore green spandex with a red headband tied around his waist. A girl in green pants and pink sleeveless top that had red trimming. Then the speaker, a pale eyes person standing a few inches taller than Naruto, long brown hair, tied together at the bottom to keep from getting into his face.

"What does it matter to you?" Yugito said crossing her arms.

"Oh, nothing much. Just curious as to who would be sent from such a treacherous village."

"And who are you anyways, guy? From what I can tell, your team isn't fact only one member is a threat." Naruto said tilting his head to the person.

"It is your destiny to lose these exams. While I'm destined to be on top."

"What makes you so sure? Why do you believe that you can read destiny?"

"I'm, Neji Hyuga. No one...can beat me. If you face me, you are fated to lose." Neji said smiling.

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "Uh huh...Hyuga huh? Why does that sound familiar?"

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