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Naruto ran around like headless chicken. He was in the sky! This village was in the freaking sky! Not literally but for the 3 year old child, what was the difference? It was amazing to be one with the clouds. No wonder the place was called Kumogakure. He could reach out and the cloud would be in his hand, he felt like he was a cloud God as he waved his hands through it, shaping it and clearing areas of the clouds.

"That's right! I, Naruto Uzumaki, command these clouds! Believe it!"

"Kid, settle down. You'll pass out if you keep this up. You aren't used to this climate and atmosphere."

"Whatever! This place is so much more fun! Why wasn't I just born here? It would have been better. Even if I was still alone...at least I could play with the clouds!"

"Damn kid haha. I swear, you're an odd one. Let's get you to the Raikage."


"Yes, Naruto, the Raikage."

"Who's that? Why do I need to see this Raikage. That's a cool name though!"

"Well he is the leader of this village and the strongest shinobi in the village-"

"Oooo that sounds cool! He probably has a lot of respect. People really must look up to this Raikage and believe in him huh..." Naruto's shoulders sunk slightly, he was looked down and put his hands in his pockets. Kicking a rock he walked to the Captain/Head Jonin of the village.

"What's wrong? You were just happy a second ago."

"Well...I'm either treated like I'm invisible or I'm beaten for no reason...everybody looks down on me and calls me a demon...a Fox incarnate or something like that. This Raikage seems to be adored by his people...why can't I at least be seen? Why's it so hard to make a single friend? It shouldn't be impossible yet..." Naruto began to tear up and turned away.

The Head Jonin knelt down in front of Naruto and placed his hands on his shoulders which caused Naruto to look at him. Naruto's deep blue eyes looked into his small brown ones.

"You're not there anymore. You can start new. Nobody here knows anything about you, so here is a chance to make some more friends."

"More? I have none."

"That's not true. You have me and my friend here. If you want to have everyone believe in you like the Raikage, you'll have to first become a ninja. Then you'll need to train to become even stronger than he is. Think you can do that?"


The man stood and ruffled the spiky blonde hair. "Good. Now let's get going. We don't want to keep Raikage-sama waiting...he's a little...brash."

Naruto nodded with his smile and jumped as they walked to the biggest tower in the village. That was the Raikage's tower and it was on the highest peak, overlooking the entire village from the center.

Naruto stood outside the Raikage's office as he heard shouting from a loud and slightly raspy voice. It sounded intimidating and was imposing its will onto anyone it went towards. It didn't sound good and Naruto wondered if it was such a good thing that he was here.

After what felt like ages, the doors finally opened up and Naruto got his first look at the Raikage's office. It was huge, an open room with a desk in the center with a large window that went from floor to ceiling behind it. It was a circular room and looked like you could hold a decent sized meeting within. There were currently four people in the office. The two he met whom he still didn't know the names of, a tall muscular man with a his robe signifying his Raikage status, his hat ranging around his neck and resting on his back. He had golden gauntlets and wore no shirt under the robe. There was a golden belt around his stomach and black pants with shin high red and white colored guards with navy blue sandals. He had light blonde hair a mustache and goatee.

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