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"Fuin!" Naruto said bringing Rin and Yugito into total fear. They had no idea what was about to happen and Darui looked surprisingly calm given his situation. If anything he seemed to be resigning to his fate and just was awaiting what was to happen. To their surprise, Naruto began to laugh and ice cold water exploded all around Darui, drenching him head to toe. "Hahahaha Got you!" Naruto fell over laughing and Darui, although annoyed, sighed in relief. "Man, you all should have seen your faces!"

"That wasn't cool, Naruto. I thought that-"

"Of course I would never aim to kill a comrade. I'm not a monster, Yugito."

"YOU FUCKING MANIAC!" Rin said running in at Naruto, he tried to punch him but was dodged effortlessly by Naruto.

"You know? If you really want to land a strike on someone, maybe you shouldn't shout out your approach." He said lazily as he stepped towards Darui. "Fuin, Kai." the seal's array receded back to the cut then faded away. "Wouldn't be fair for future spars."

"So, you have a seal I've never seen before..." Darui said not knowing how he should speak, Naruto won in a fashion that scared everyone and he wasn't sure of what Naruto was thinking. He never did, and that was something that even had him on edge. Normally people were rather readable, varying in difficulty, but Naruto was just unreadable.

"Yeah, voodoo was something I came across...not real, but I wanted to see if you can tie Fuinjutsu to someone's blood. There's blood seals, yes, but those are more like locks, I wanted to see if you can tie a seal to someone's blood in an offensive manner and place a seal through their blood. So two steps needed to be made, one I need someone's blood, and two, a way to connect the seal. A seal can't magically appear, hence, a special kunai." He took out that kunai that he used, it looked normal, however bits of it were missing. "This kunai will crumble away as it is used, it leaves itself in the victim when cut, it is why I released the kunai, you would have broken it. How does that connect the seal? The metal of this kunai has my chakra within it, it acts like a receiver, that scroll being the messenger, once the blood of who I cut is entered into it, the rest of the seal that is written can be sent to the receiver and therefore, spread throughout the victim."

Darui whistled at that, "Damn Naruto...I'm impressed. But it sounds a little difficult to set up."

"Yes...I'm working on a way to make it more practical. For now though, if we have a hostage, we can set them free as an untraceable time bomb."

Darui now realizing just what Naruto created and the ways it could be used went wide-eyed. "Wow. Naruto you are a remarkable Fuinjutsu user. Would you like me to get you a tutor?"

Naruto shook his head, "I appreciate the offer, Darui-sensei, but I've been doing rather well without. Besides, the Kumo Fuinjutsu masters are more about Sensory Barriers, I am looking to use Fuinjutsu in fighting."

Darui nodded, it was true that Kumo's Fuinjutsu masters were mainly versed in sealing a Biju into a Jinchuriki, and the Sensory Barriers for the village. Those wouldn't be too helpful for Naruto's goals, and if he so wished, he could study those on his own like he already has within the field. Still, to be entirely self taught, and this good in Fuinjutsu, it was an insane accomplishment. Especially since this wasn't basic sealing, it was all combative and highly complex. The seals he used were pretty big and complex, but you could tell that the original made seal was definitely much larger, being more and more refined into the versions they were now. The speed and comfort in which he did his handsigns for his Fuinjutsu meant that he was always training and had great mastery in what he was doing. Darui himself knew absolutely no Fuinjutsu himself, but as an Elite Jonin, he understood the general basics of the field and how the field worked.

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