Your Enemy

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The Kages sat together within their box high up in the arena. Their seating arrangement wasn't like how it was the last time he was here. He was seated in the middle between Kakashi and Gaara. This told him that they either knew he planned to do something, or suspected it. If they knew though, he probably wouldn't be here right now, they'd have sabotaged his Genin from passing the previous exams.

They had definitely been on edge at the least. Threatening war, and now arriving here. He'd not spoken at all since he took his seat. Just a nod. Looking among the stands, he noticed that the targets he'd chosen were certainly here. The problem came in who Kakashi chose as his guards.

-A Week Earlier-

Naruto opened his eyes and ran his hand along Yugito's back. Getting up, he smiled at her sleeping form and went into the shower. He had been notified that three of his four teams passed the first exam, then two of those three passed the second. When the water washed off his face, he came to the thoughts about the rest of the results. Other villages participated, none made it to the finals except his two teams, the leaf's four teams, and the sand's three teams. Of course they'd had more than those that failed out but ultimately it was only them three.

"Gaara will be there with Kakashi. This can pose a problem for me."

"You are stronger now since the last fight."

"Is it enough? Kurama, this next week won't be easy."

"I never said that, did I? The way I see it, your task is simple and you're fast enough to take care of it. There is only a few there that can out speed your own speed, and none that can come close to your teleportation. Add your newer control of it, and it's better now."

Naruto sighed as he finished washing up and turned to dry off. Holding his towel was Yugito who smirked. "Thought you could leave without saying bye?"

"I didn't want to wake you. You just had a long mission, and didn't sleep a lot last night."

"Excuses. Worried?"

"A little."

"Don't be. I only wish you would have been bringing me as well."

Stepping to her and bringing his arms around her he sighed. "You know why I can't. It's why A and B also aren't coming. Believe me, I'd rather have you with me but I worry you'll grow tired of me." He said smiling at her.

"Hmmm, keep being like last night, and I just won't." She said smirking at him.

"I'm going to head to the office now, I'm bringing in the two I'm taking into the fold as well as speaking with blue team."

Yugito nodded and pulled him down to a kiss. "Are you also sure about this blue team? You depend on them a lot, they could use a break."

Her scent and feeling was becoming intoxicating. He knew that if they stay like this too long, he wouldn't be making it to the office for another few hours. Kissing her once more before grabbing his towel from between their legs, he stepped away and turned to the mirror to look himself over.

"I do, but they've kind of been the best team I've worked with. I intend to give them some rest but then something comes up and they do not hesitate to step up. It's what makes them dependable...still, this work load has to be rough."

"Perhaps it's time to have less secret operations and utilize your other ninja for that? I don't know exactly what you're doing of course, but it's just my-"

"No no, you're right and I will."

He heard the shower turn back on and looked at her through the glass. It still seemed absurd that she'd fallen for him but he was happy she did. He smiled while looking at her before slowly turning to head out.

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