Who Are You?

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The last class of the day. Weapons training. At least within Naruto's schedule, for others it could be the physical training, or the lecture classes respectfully. He was slightly late as his altercation with Yugito made him take longer but he wasn't complaining. She was one entertaining person, probably the most entertaining. Especially since it was so easy to get under her skin. Still though, she hated his guts and that wasn't something that he was entirely happy about but oh well. Entertainment first?

Omoi and everyone else of the class was seated, learning all about kunai and its uses. Everyone went there but he wasn't told that it was mandatory, so rather than go join them, he made his way to the right side of the room where there was a door.

When he went through the door, he saw the other weapons masters seated around conversing. They seemed to notice him and all turned to face him. Of course the Uzumaki would be the only one to enter. They weren't complaining though, except the other masters that weren't of the sword. But knew they'd get their turn at seeing an Uzumaki since the Kenjutsu masters made it known that Naruto wanted to master every weapon.

An ambitious goal, that if it wasn't an Uzumaki making such a proclamation, they would have shook it off and not believed it. Since it was Naruto, such a proclamation only seemed fitting. When the Raikage came to learn of this, he laughed and told them to be ready. And here Naruto was.

"How can we help you?" One of the senseis said.

"I'd like to begin my training with a sword."

The Kenjutsu masters stood up. "Which will you start with?" One of them said.

Naruto looked amongst the different blades. "Let's go with the traditional Katana."

"Good choice. I'm Master Ishinto."

Naruto bowed and everyone separated to provide the two some room. The room was larger than the class was and it looked more fit for sparring.

Master Ishinto tossed a wooden word shaped like a katana to Naruto. "Make a few swings with it."

Naruto nodded as he caught the fake katana. He looked at it and felt it for a second to get a feel on how it was. After the moment he made a few swings and awaited a response.

"Not bad, you have a good stance and flow of movement. Good transfer of power, you have one issue though, that I'm sure everyone noticed right away." Master Ishinto said as he looked around and getting a nod from his peers. Naruto waited patiently, "Swinging a sword, is not the same as swinging a bat. You must treat the sword as an extension of yourself."

The various masters all unsheathed their sword of choice and went through a few movements to demonstrate the point. Naruto watched Master Ishinto do a few movements and began to mirror what he was watching. First with the footwork and then implementing the wooden sword.

The masters all smiled at Naruto beginning to cope without needing to be told. Unspoken lessons would be a norm with the kid apparently. That was better for them honestly. Spending less time lecturing things, and just getting to work. Of course they'd speak key points but, for the most part, Naruto was clearly a hands on learner. Taught better through experience.

-Capture The Flag Game 2-

"Ok Naruto, what do you know that we could use to benefit us?" Rin said.

They were in a new stage, this was a rocky and rough terrain. The space was bigger than the one previous but it was more open in a sense. Trees and bushes weren't everywhere, instead massive boulders and jagged out croppings were everywhere.

Naruto looked at Rin and chuckled slightly. "What do you mean? What makes you think I have any knowledge of our area?"

Everyone looked at him with a plain face clearly not buying his bullshit. "Do I really need to explain?"

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