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"You should leave as soon as possible. Those two already showed that they can heal at an unreal rate, and now him coming is not a good situation."

Yugito didn't listen and immediately charged at the three opponents in front of her. The last few remaining masked members were staying back at this point. The first person she got to tried to swing at her but she jumped up flipping forward. Mid flip she reached down and slashed the man's face with her claws, they dug in and blue flames burst from the cuts. She landed behind him and dove into the second one sending him to the ground. She stabbed her claws from both hands into his head and jumped up sending a spinning kick to Orochimaru's head.

He smirked as he caught her shin and licked his lips as he looked her up and down. "Hmmm I would love to place my mark on you, however your being a Jinchuriki really wouldn't work out."

She grunted as she tried to pull away to no avail. "What the hell are you talking about?" She jumped and went to kick with her left foot but Orochimaru caught that just as easily. Performing a mid air sit up she went to punch slash him but he lift her slightly before slamming her down onto the ground.

Coughing up saliva she winced from the impact to her back and was grabbed by the waist and lift into the air again. As she was being slammed down again, she quickly wrapped her legs around his head and pulled. Causing him to leave the ground and come around her as she performed a sort of back flip, slamming him down instead and went to stab her claws into his head.

Orochimaru chuckled as he extended his neck and snaked his head away, soon his body elongated as well as he wrapped himself around her, coiling tightly as he looked at her with a wide smile. She struggled in his grasp as he laughed at her situation.

"You thought you'd take me on and win? Such an arrogant child!"

Yugito closed her eyes to calm down and concentrate. She took a page from Naruto's book and gathered all her chakra at once and expelled it from her body. A shockwave left her as she jumped away from him panting. "What the hell are you?"

"That was a nice technique there, but not your own I'd guess seeing as how uncontrolled it seemed. Tell me, who taught you that?"

"Nobody! Now die!" She ran at him doing handsigns and blue flames erupted from her hands. "Flaming Tempest!" She went for a swipe with her right hand and when it missed, she spun trying to do a back hand with her left, with another miss she followed with her right and then a spinning kick, and a leaping left kick into a downwards slash with both hands. When it was said and done, Orochimaru's eyes widened slightly as she was on all fours but her strikes although missing didn't seem to matter. They were surrounded by a swirling dome of blue flames.

"So this was her jutsu all along. What a tricky little-" the blue dome caved in on him all at once as a small explosion ensued.

Yugito looked on and wiped the sweat from her face and took deep breaths. "Damn this was wreckless to use now but I doubt that anything else would have worked. He's just too slippery to land a strike on."

Her eyes widened when the four shuriken that came from the flames turned into four hundred flying at her. She lift a kunai and went to deflect all she could but it was too many. Her arms and legs were cut up, her left cheek had a slice and three were in her right leg. Kneeling on her right knee she watched as Orochimaru walked out of the flames, seemingly unaffected.

"That's...that's impossible. How did you?" She got kicked in the chest and sent sliding on her back. She coughed up blood and when she opened her eyes, she noticed the two other men above her and slam their knees into her stomach and chest. Trying to get up, she was elbowed in the forehead and punched repeatedly with massive blows to the stomach creating shockwaves.

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