Final Exams

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Once they were dismissed after Hiruzen's final remarks, Gaara and Naruto both finally broke out of the trance. Leaving with their respective teams, the room was left empty, well except for the Jonin and Hokage having still remained. For a short while, there was silence before Hiruzen sighed.

"There's something different about these Genin this time around, isn't there?"

No one answered Hiruzen's inquiry, rather looked at him with some curiosity. Many Konoha Jonin were now expecting answers in regards to the Kumo Genin, Naruto. They all were starting to see a resemblance to somebody they all once knew and admired, especially with his choice of attire. Still, it wasn't like Hiruzen ever did give the full picture, always being subtle or cryptic in some way. At least until he'd decide to lay it all out there.

Darui felt it was a good time to leave and had began making his way out. But was stopped. "Say, you're the sensei to the trio that finished second in the Forest by just a few minutes right?"

He turned and noticed the Suna Jonin. "And what is it to you?"

"Just curious as to who you are. Quite young to be a Jonin Sensei. On top of that, your team finished remarkably fast."

Darui sighed. "Asking me questions...yet yours was first. So drab..." he walked away, saying nothing more.

Naruto and his squad went to an empty training ground and sat in silence. He'd climbed into a tree and laid there on a branch. His eyes were shut, so one would guess he'd fallen asleep. The other two were sitting on the ground below, leaning against the trunk. A puff of smoke, and there stood Darui.

"We should discuss your next month of training for the finals."

"What do you mean? We aren't doing the usual routine?" Rin said.

"No. Everyone is most certainly trying to add a powerful Jutsu to their arsenal. I will help you do so yourself."

"What will be different this time?" Yugito said.

"Because, he isn't just going to toss us a are you?" Naruto said, still remaining the same.

"Correct. We will be taking your fighting style into account and rather than learn some random Jutsu, develop a technique that will work well with it."

"Ok, so where is the problem?"

"The problem, Yugito, is that there's three of us. One of him. His lightning clone will be ineffective for this training." Naruto said and they all nodded. It was very much true, especially since it wouldn't be something they get just from a scroll. Naruto opened his eyes slightly and noticed a crow circling above. "What's he doing here?" Naruto then jumped down and sighed. "I'll make it easier, don't worry about me. I still have...clan stuff I'd like to learn."

"Are you sure, Naruto?" Darui said. Naruto was becoming a student he hardly even taught. There was so much potential that he knew the kid held, but often chose solitude. Besides, there was a few things he wanted to try teaching him, especially because Naruto had all five of the chakra natures.

"Yes, Darui-sensei. I will want your teaching soon, for now though, I want to do this."

"Very well."

Naruto left to be in a completely isolated area. It was a benefit to the past he had, having the need to find safety. A place away from the hostility of the village. After a brief moment of waiting, the crow came down, soon joined by more that then combined and eventually Itachi was seen standing before him.

"So, what are you doing here, Itachi?"

"I have been watching...thank you, for looking out for my brother."

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