Will There Be War?

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The room fell deeper into silence after Naruto's words. Danzo, inwardly laughed, things were working out quite well. Just a little push and Naruto would inadvertently bring his plans to fruition for him. Kakashi stared wide-eyed at Naruto and struggled to find something to say. Konoha wasn't ready for war, it would be catastrophic.

Just then there was a poof of smoke and Jiraiya appeared with a massive smile. He wasn't facing Naruto, more towards Tsunade and Kakashi instead. "I'm back! You'll never guess what I have learned!" He said excitedly, nearly bouncing in place. "Guess who the new Raikage is!"

"Naruto..." Tsunade said, a small tone of worry in her voice.

"Exactly! Naru- wait what? How'd you know?" Tsunade simply point to her left and Jiraiya looked to see Naruto at the far end of the table. Rage filling his eyes while his face was emotionless. "How did you get here so fast? You should have been out of commission."

Kakashi turned sharply at Jiraiya and growled in frustration. "So you did attack Naruto on your own accord, what were you thinking?"

"Hey, I was originally just trying to get an eye on who the new Raikage was, then as I exit the frog the kid was already there. I still haven't figured out how he knew I was there or how he got there before I even touched the ground."

"You can't just do that, Jiraiya! Do you understand the trouble you've caused?" Kakashi shook his head and looked to Naruto who still wasn't pleased, he still had the anger present.

"Well, as you can now see, even we weren't aware of Jiraiya's actions. So perhaps we can calm down a little, yes?" Hiruzen said and Naruto only glanced at him for a mere moment before looking back to Kakashi.

"There is still plenty that you are under my suspicion of. Any small slip up. Any inkling that you are behind anything...we will wipe this village off the face of the planet." He turned around and everyone got a clear view to the cloak that had Kanji saying "Fifth Raikage" on it.

"Hey, this isn't over, we can still talk-"

Naruto looked over his right shoulder as he walked towards the double doors. "No, I already have enough. This is over, and Hokage, I recommend you don't take my words lightly. Your village won't have quite as easy a time as it once did before."

He left the room and there was silence, Danzo wanted to jump out of his seat in excitement but sat there as if nothing happened.

Naruto after leaving the room, flashed away into the forests outside Konoha and began walking away. His fists were clenched as he walked and the light penatrated the leaves. "You need to calm down. A ninja is to he calm in all situations, no matter the scenario."

Turning around, Naruto saw crows flying into one another and in front of him, Itachi stood with his black cloak with red clouds. "Itachi. How'd you know I was here?"

"I always have my eye on Konoha."

"Because of Sasuke?"

Itachi just nodded and looked Naruto up and down. "You're Raikage now."


"What's wrong? Not what you thought it would be?"

"You could say that." He took a breath as he looked at the sky through the trees. "It's a lot heavier than I ever imagined...I'm starting to question if I've done everything right."

"Probably not. No one's perfect...just, whatever you do, follow through with it, until the end or no longer possible. As long as you can stick by your decisions, you can always stay on the right path, it will take time."

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