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His father being announced was a shock that was unexpected. Immediately the crowd began speaking to one another, wondering if what Hiruzen said was true. Naruto still stood in the arena, unable to look around at anybody. Not out of fear per se but he just didn't know what to do or think. Kakashi looked down over Naruto, surprised that Hiruzen announced it in this manner, he wondered just how everything would proceed now.

Yondaime, the most beloved of the Hokage, Naruto, the cast out son of said man. All felt disgrace as they once tormented him as a helpless child. He displayed a talent that made them jealous of Kumo. Add the fact that technically, Naruto was supposed to be shinobi of Konoha on top of that and it made it all worse.

"Naruto, we can figure this out, but you're the champion now. No one wants to see the champion down."

Naruto nodded to Yugito and wore that wide smile he would wear back then. All the Kages came down and each congratulated Naruto on his victory.

"Way to keep to your word, my boy!" Ay said with his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"Yes, very impressive. I am still surprised that you managed to best my son." Rasa said shaking Naruto's hand. "Then again, if you're the son of the Yondaime, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised or upset about that."

"Thank you, Lord Kazekage. Gaara is an excellent shinobi and had he never began his transformation, victory would have been far more difficult."

"You think him not transforming is a harder opponent?"

Nodding Naruto closed his eyes. "He is more thoughtful of his actions before transforming. That and he has his defense that could let him win from that alone. With no way to penetrate it or get around it, victory would be far more complicated. Then his control of his sand is far more diverse and he's capable of great things. His transformation gives brute strength but brute strength alone."

Rasa understood that perspective and had to agree. To any normal person, the transformation meant certain death. But if the opponent was skilled enough, as well as clever, then Gaara becomes vulnerable. Even so, with those factors, it's not like just anyone can neutralize the Biju chakra.

Unless one possessed the Kekkei Genkai or Fuinjutsu mastery to do so, subduing Biju is next to impossible. As you'd pretty much need to tire it out...but no one can do that alone. Not even on the Ichibi. That's why Fuinjutsu was so crucial against Biju, and why Konoha was lucky as they had both Fuinjutsu masters as well as the Kekkei Genkai to subdue Biju over the years. Now those blessings have lessened as war and the recent catastrophes have taken place.

Only two true seal masters were in Konoha's forces. One being the Hokage himself but not to the extent as that of Jiraiya his student. Jiraiya, not to the same extent as Minato or Kushina. The Uchiha and Uzumaki clans were practically nonexistent in Konoha now. The last Uzumaki being in Kumo. The last loyal Uchiha still in Konoha. The Senju didn't count exactly as only one member ever possessed the Wood Style and it was never seen again from another.

Onoki floated over towards Naruto and looked him straight in the eye. Despite having a Kage staring him down, Naruto remained calm. As he knew, that nothing would happen, he wondered what the problem was of course but there was no worry for right now. Doing something at this point in time would no doubt be the same as initiating war. Despite whatever any village may want to have a war to settle scores...no one wanted to be the one to initiate it.

To do so ran the risk of being premature and not as ready as one would have thought. Sometimes the one who makes the first move, is the one who meets defeat. Onoki shook his head after having stared Naruto down.

"You've done well. As much as I truly resent and hate your father...I must admit that I respect him as a shinobi and warrior. You are definitely something I'll have to keep my eye on...Namikaze."

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