An Ominous Nebula

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The day was supposed to be over. He should be able to relax now and just focus on making dinner, yet his mind drift everywhere but what he was doing now. He hasn't even realized that he had not moved for the past ten minutes. That was when Yugito finally spoke up from where she was seated.

"Something wrong? You seem out of it? Are you still sour about your loss?" She said smirking. "Delaying doesn't make it end any sooner."

Naruto shook his head regaining himself and sighed. "No no, it's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"Nothing. Everything is good." He said before resuming his cutting of vegetables.

"You said that is wasn't that, so it is something, not a nothing. Are you anxious about meeting the Daimyo?"


"Just be respectful."

"Sure. Just enough so he continues backing us financially willingly. I'd hate to have to force it..."

She shook her head. "What is it really?"

Naruto turned around, his cloak gone so he was in his long sleeved shirt that was shrugged up halfway up his forearms while cooking. Headband also no longer on and he was already beginning to look tired despite having slept an entire day prior. Stress being to a point that was not anticipated prior to taking office weighing on him heavily.

"There's just a lot going on right now, Yugito. Lord A...he chose a wonderful time to retire!" She smiled slightly at his attempt at a joke and he continued. "Granted, I'm sure at any point he retired, the work would be the same."

"Is it about the leaf?"

"In a way. I also have been reading about some interesting reports. Their ally the sand has lost its Kazekage. Akatsuki, the group I told you about attacked with two members. I don't know the details, only that ultimately their Kage has fallen."

Yugito made to stand before sitting back. Her fingers tapping the table as she looked at Naruto. "That's going to cause some turmoil in the nations."

"Yes. We will be able to be more calm than before, however with the strongest of the nations as their ally, as well as the proximity to each other only a few days, they're protected. Unlike our having no allies or convenience of proximity to would be ally."

"What will you do?"

"For them? Nothing. I nor the village have ties to them."

Yugito nodded but still felt the need to ask. "And of Gaara?"

"Mabui and Lord A believe he will become the new Kazekage since he's the stronger of his siblings."

"Knowing he's alive, will you aid him at all?"

"He's not my friend."

"You gave him advice though."

He shook his head. "Telling the truth doesn't exactly equate to that. I couldn't kill him even if I wanted to. As I'd shown him, his sand's defense is his own power. Now if he took everything to heart then sure, I guess I gave advice. That really wasn't my intention though."

"Were you hoping to toy with him one last time?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "He is an intriguing opponent I'll admit. Beating him again would be difficult. Unless he chooses to transform."

Yugito raised an eyebrow and leaned back in the seat relaxing some. "You have instant teleportation thanks to the third Hokage giving it to you...I still don't see why he would."

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