The Shaded Leaf

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Making their way through the streets, Naruto turned to his guard. "Hey about your previous objective..."

"We've removed them."

Nodding, he continued on without worry. Again he was heading into the council chamber, albeit invited this time. "Just so you know, there's this blonde woman among the council who can get aggressive easily, so whatever happens, don't intervene unless I give you the nod."

"Are you sure? Sir my job is your protection."

"Yes. But I also don't feel like dealing with the ramifications of you killing her."

John nodded and continued walking beside Naruto. "Your faith in my abilities is unmatched, maybe even greater than my own team's."

"I have had no reason to ever doubt you. Anyways, this council gets rather rowdy."

Once they got outside the council chamber, the anbu outside stopped them. "Only the Raikage has been invited."

"Step aside. My agent here bears witness for the cloud."

The anbu remained still before turning away. "Give me a moment, please remain."

Naruto nodded and watched as the anbu entered before waiting a couple minutes. When he returned, he gestured for the two to enter. The creaking doors shut behind the two as the council looked at them. Naruto stood still for a few moments, eyes looking over them all, getting the feeling that some of them saw fear in him for his pause. Moving to the seat that was open, John stood behind and to the right of him.

"Welcome, Lord Raikage. It's nice to see you again." Kakashi said giving a head bow.

Only nodding, Naruto looked at Hiruzen and the vacant seat beside him. "I'd recommend you get your internal affairs in order, Kakashi."

"Speak with the respect that has been given to you!" Koharu, the old woman said from beside that empty seat.

"It was merely a fact, and I have given no disrespect. Me and Kakashi hold the same title, calling him of a different name, you'd just as quickly jump to saying I was being aggressive in some way." Naruto said calmly and without looking at her.

"Thank you for your help during the Chunin exams. I don't know how it would have gone otherwise."

Tsunade sighed. "It wasn't much help, their numbers weren't as much as that of the sand."

Turning to Tsunade, Naruto chuckled. "Your former Hokage would be dead right now if I wasn't here." Her brow twitched. "You were furthest from any fighting, cowering in fear. Why? Is it not your duty to protect your village and your Hokage? Who's to say they'd have beaten your revived Kages? My father? What would you have done then?"

Tsunade launched herself at him. A smirk present on his face as he waved John to stay back. His right arm glowing in a red chakra as he caught her fist before it hit him. "You want to see my fight?" She shouted as he held her in place.

"Now we see clear as day why you'd never be Hokage. It's just an observation I've made. Also telling you where I stand before talks initiate, I'm curious though. should be worried because me being curious is a...very dangerous thing. I want to see how you, the greatest medic will handle this."

"What?" She then felt a burning in her hand as the chakra shift from red to a more purple color. It spread up her wrist before stopping and fading away.

"Pushing her back he sighed. "Go figure that out. Anyways." Turning to Kakashi he tilt his head "Do you still wish to speak? Or shall we reconvene tomorrow when their tempers have calmed?"

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