The Demon Awakened

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-3 Hours Earlier-


All Ay got in return was a roar from Naruto. It was becoming more obvious that he was losing himself more and more by the second. The more he was consumed, the less human he becomes. The more he loses who he is. Everyone looked on warily, the Hachibi was powerful but the feeling they got from the Kyubi's power was far worse than it. It was in it's own league and the kid was only 9.

"Bee! Is this the Kyubi's doing?"

"N-no. Brother, this is all him...Gyuki is talking to Kyubi and he's frantically trying to stop the flow of chakra."

"Then what's wrong? Why can't the Biju stop it? Why is it even trying to stop it?"

"I don't know. Kyubi can't stop it though. It isn't even Naruto in the's-"

Naruto roared and appeared in front of Bee and went to swipe at him. Bee morphed his arm into a partial Biju transformation and blocked Naruto. Naruto balled his other fist and jumped up to smash him to the ground when Bee dodged and jumped away. Where Naruto hit, a 4 foot deep crater was made.

He growled in anger within the crater and jumped out. He got on all fours as his tails flailed rapidly. He looked around at all the shinobi present and locked eyes with Ay. He suddenly charged and went to punch Ay. Bee reacted by forcing a tentacle out and wrapping it around Naruto's waist, holding him.

"NOW BROTHER!" Bee called out.

Ay nodded and took out a tag with a seal on it. He charged at Naruto about to place the seal onto his forehead when a growl came and a large red beam exploded from Naruto and into the sky. The tentacle was thrown off, and Ay got sent flying back from the force of the chakra erupting out of Naruto.

Another roar came as his skin seemed to start burning off revealing red and black chakra streaking all around. "BEE, THIS IS BAD! HE CAN USE THE BIJUU DAMA IN THIS FORM!"

"I know!" Bee lowered his stance and red chakra bubbled around him and his own skin became black and red chakra as well. Entering the version two cloak.

Immediately, Naruto was gathering black, purple, and blue chakra from the environment and it was taking the form of a sphere that was rapidly growing in size. Bee jumped and smashed Naruto into the ground with his feet and tails, making the Biju Dama explode from the imbalance in Naruto's face.

The explosion threw him into the cafeteria and blew a hole in the wall where he was sent flying. From within the cafeteria, he roared in anger and next thing they knew, he came charging out really fast and had grown to be three times his original size. Creating a larger hole in the wall. He came in and was met in mid air by Bee. They both were trying to overpower the other and looked to be in a stalemate. However Bee was far more experienced in his form and in general, so he managed to shift his weight and threw Naruto into the ground and sent a hard punch into the young Jinchuriki.

The impact of the punch caused another crater to be made and angered Naruto even more. Bee went wide eyed and found a solution. "We need to keep angering him!"

"WHAT?" was the unanimous question asked by everyone.

"His anger is feeding his power! Too much and he will practically overdose!"

Ay understood. There was only so much Naruto could handle for being so young. Eventually it would knock him out for overexertion. Everyone nodded and took out kunai with explosive tags. They all launched their kunai at Naruto and 80 small explosions went off all around him. When the smoke cleared from him roaring, he was shaking with anger and they knew it was working based on how he was beginning to be strained. However the drawback to the plan was that he was getting increasingly more powerful.

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