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After being dragged through the gates, Naruto looked amongst a large crowd that was gathered for their arrival. They were told that there would be a festival but this was a surprise. Naruto walked in slowly and stood beside Omoi and Rin. "Huh, guess they all wanted to see the Raikage's return eh?"

Omoi looked over at Naruto and shook his head. "They wouldn't be holding that banner if that was the case." He said pointing ahead.

Naruto looked and was shocked. In massive letters he saw "Congratulations Naruto!". He was dumbfounded and blinked a few times. "Can't be."

Omoi only smiled and so did everyone else. The crowd then began to cheer and clap as Naruto got pushed to the front by Samui and Karui. Seeing everyone clap and call his name, his heart began to race and he glanced rapidly among them. He tried to take a step back but bumped into something. Turning to look, he saw A and B behind him, blocking him from backing away.

"Yo, Naruto! These people here for you, fool, ya fool!" B said pushing him back ahead and they all began walking as Naruto led the group now.

As they made their way through, they split apart, forming a path for the group, and continued cheering. Naruto began to smile slightly and as the final few began to split away, he saw Kira and Trey standing at the end with a smile. It all seemed impossible to be real and yet, it was. No one had fear for him or anything. Instead, they celebrated his arrival when before it would have been different.

Walking up to the two, Kira hugged him tightly and rocked him side to side as she did so. "Good job, Naruto. You did amazing!"

"Sure did, Kiddo. You're gonna have to come down by the shop soon." Trey also held a box but didn't say anything of it yet.

Giving a nod to Trey, Naruto turned around and saw that A was smirking. "I guess now is good time as any, every competitor has received a promotion!" Allowing an applause to begin he waited a minute before looking to Naruto. "However, Naruto, you are hereby promoted to Jonin!"

Every single person clapped but Naruto raised an eyebrow as he looked at A. "You're kidding right? We were being tested to be Chunin..."

Laughing A walked to him and placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Doesn't mean you didn't show enough to be promoted as such! Besides, there's ninja who've made Jonin even younger than you."

Naruto didn't argue and was gestured to look back to Trey. Receiving the box, he opened it and noticed something white, taking it out, it was the single strapped vest of Kumo that had golden trim. Looking up at Trey, he noticed the proud smile he wore and same with Kira. In fact, as he looked around some more, everybody seemed to be proud of this and of him. It made a stirring in his stomach and chest that he wasn't used to and it felt weird...but good.

"Thank you." He finally managed to say.

Noticing the mood being stagnant A chuckled and brought his arms up. "ISN'T THERE A FESTIVAL YOU ALL SHOULD BE GOING TOO?"

Immediately everybody got out of their stupor and cheered as they ran to the district that got decorated and set up for the festival. After giving Naruto a nod, both A and B left in a puff of smoke, Darui shook his hand with a smile before also leaving in smoke. Now the newly made Chunin remained along with Kira and Trey being behind him.

"So you're a Jonin now, Naruto." Rin said with a smirk.

"Appears that way." Running a hand through his hair he sighed. "A lot has happened lately."

"Sure has." Omoi said as they all had to nod in agreement.

"But all have been made Chunin too so..."

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