The Journey: Live Combat

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What will you do when you are facing someone stronger than you? Will you rise up and find a way to win by any means necessary? Or will you cower and accept that you've lost?

In a large, grand dinning hall, sat a few people. There was a massive breakfast set out on the table and there were smiles all around the table. It was not every day that it is your birthday. Today was July 24th, it was the blonde girl's birthday. She was happy but also seemed ever so slightly sad.

"Happy Birthday, Yugito! You're Thirteen now! It's been great to get to see you grow up thus far and continue to get stronger!" Ay said smiling and held her hand from where he seated at the end of the table. She was to his left, Bee to his right and Darui to Bee's right.

"Thank you, all of you. I'm happy as can be, with all of you! You've always been there for me." She looked to the vacant spots beside her then back to them, "I hope to continue to make you proud."

"Just keep working yo, reach levels never seen befoe' yo!"

Shaking his head, Darui chuckled "Yes, just keep doing what you're doing, Yugito. You're becoming stronger everyday."

Again there was a glance to the vacant spots and this time, she couldn't hide the frown. "I know you are worried for them..."

"My parents never have been gone this long...Normally they'd have returned by now. And..."

"What is it, Yugito? You know you can always talk to me." Ay said and his voice wasn't boisterous nor loud, just low and assuring.

"Well, I'm not used to them being gone, and I would have liked my team to be here...but things are getting bad...Naruto is traveling alone in enemy territory...and then I can't stand Rin..."

Internally Ay laughed because it was ironic how it was once Naruto she couldn't stand at all. Now he was the only one of her team that she actually liked being with. But he also wasn't a fan of Rin, what he was doing was something that angered the man

That kid was just causing trouble. Spreading around lies and rumors that were all false, solely to raise his status and popularity. It angered him that the boy would use Yugito like that and if it wasn't illegal to kill him, then he'd have done it already.

"Keep your head up, Yugito. It'll be alright, I'm sure they'll be back soon, as for Naruto. Everything is going to be fine."

"Yeah...I'm sure it will." She smiled and they went on with the breakfast.

Once everything was done and the table was cleaned up, they gathered out in the training ground that was in the backyard. Darui walked forward and took a stance in front of her. "It's time to take your training to another level."

"Oh? What about the others?"

"Well Rin is training in his family's techniques. And you really think Naruto isn't learning anything while on his journey? I guarantee that he will come back with some new techniques." Darui said with a smirk. "You wouldn't want to fall behind now, would you?"

He smirked even more when a fire was lit within her eyes and she settled into a stance of her own.


"Sandaime-sama, there's been sighting of Uchiha Itachi back in Fire Country."

"Is that so?" Hiruzen placed his hands to his chin in thought and gazed upwards. "What could he be doing here? After all this time? Why now?"

"That's not all."

"What is it?"

"He's seen with some unfamiliar boy. We don't have much intel regarding him at the moment but all we know is that he stands 4' 8" and is with Uchiha Itachi."

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