Chapter 9

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Ethan scrambles off the dirt.

The pod, whatever it is, is a distraction. More so, it's something to focus his energy and time on, instead of clutching at remaining threads of thought that only have him feeling like he's watching everything in third person. Disorientated and overwhelmed.

Instead, he directs that effort into finding the thing that fell from the sky.

Ethan ducks back into camp, slipping easily around the people following the glare of fiery light. He glances up again and sees it fly past the trees out of sight.

He doesn't even remember Bellamy's threat when he jumps into the dropship and swings his bag onto his shoulders, red-rimmed eyes landing momentarily on the hairband at his wrist. He pulls the longest strands of his hair together and ties it up loosely, no time to pretty up.

When he steps outside and notices that no one else is getting ready, he pauses, hiding his bag behind his legs. He pulls a younger kid to the side and asks him why.

"Bellamy says we leave at first light."

Ethan nods, smiles at him and waits for the boy to settle back beside the warmth of the fire before he takes off. 

What Bellamy says doesn't mean a shit in his books.

There were no rules.

Whatever the hell they wanted, right?

He runs, the only thing in his head is a chance at contacting the Ark. They were losing hope. He was losing hope. Then this thing comes crashing down? It's a sign.

The trek through the woods is - dare he say it - peaceful. The sun's already rising, making it easier to enjoy the stroll. In the Ark there was never a dark area, not like here. Here you can barely see 10 feet in front of you in the dead of night. He can't help but flinch at every noise he hears, his mind immediately heading towards danger. Or, grounders.

But it's light out now and he sees something in the distance, ducking in seconds behind the shrubbery, repeating vulgar curses in his head.

It's not what he thinks. It's brown hair, a short figure and an angry aura.


Calmly, he stands, "Hey."

She, understandably, flinches. Stumbling over herself, Octavia falls flat on her ass.

"Shit, sorry." Ethan winces and jogs over, helping her back onto her feet, wary of the tightness in her face. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." She spits out the word like it's venom.

Ethan nods slowly, then purses his lips. "If that's fine then I must be hunky-dory."

Octavia huffs, wiping off her pants with jerky movements. "Bellamy's an ass. That's all."

"That's not new," Ethan says, patting her on the shoulder. He pauses with a blink, "Wait, Bellamy's out here? That liar."

She looks around the woods and sighs, "Yeah. He -" She hesitates and shakes her head, "Nevermind. He made me go back, so I doubt you'll be welcome either."

Ethan unzips his bag to pass her some water and rolls his eyes, "He has no choice in the matter. If he's gonna lie to everyone just so he can do this shit himself, he can deal with the consequences. You wanna come? We can tag team him."

He sees the quirk of her lips against the bottle and feels a little satisfied. Octavia screws the lid back on while she shakes her head, "No, this is his problem. If he doesn't want me there then fine, I have plenty of other things to do."

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