First Day as an Avenger

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When they had first arrived on Titan, they were making a plan to take down Thanos and stop him from killing half the universe. They had been so close, but once Quill found out about what Thanos had done to Gamora, things took a turn for the worse. And now they were all sitting there, unsure of what will come, scared of their loss.
Mantis, Drax, Nebula, Quill, Strange and Tony were all sitting down hopelessly on the floor.
Peter, however, was too nervous to sit still.
"What do we do?" He asked the group, hands pulling at his own hair.
"There is nothing to be done," Nebula replies, "He only needs one more stone and then he wins."
"Maybe, but the Avengers are back on Earth and I'm sure they're protecting Vision, there's no way they'll let him get the mind stone." Tony reassures them all, but mainly Peter.
"I don't know the Avengers, but the people of Earth are too weak, they have no chance against Thanos." Nebula says, she stands up and begins to pace around. "He killed my sister, and I did nothing."
"Your sister?" Quill interrupts, "you've tried to kill her too! Gamora was the love of my life and she's dead!"
"Calm down! No one needs this right now. I'm sorry about your loss but this is not the time. If we don't do something, there's a chance that half of the world will die too." Tony sighs, he didn't want to have an outburst like that, especially when Peter's so anxious.
"We... we can go home, right? We can help stop him, how do we get there?" The kid speaks up, and then he turns his attention over to Strange. "You can do that portal thing, can you take us home?"
"Not in time." He replies, "By the time I figure out the spell to get us home, we'll be too late."
"What?" Peter asks, "No, you... you can take us back and we can save everyone."
"Don't you understand? This had to happen."
"Strange, you better start making sense." Tony replies, standing up to face him.
"We need to attack him again." Drax says as he stands up and helps pull Mantis to her feet.
"We can't."
"We have to! It's our job, we've gotta protect everyone."
"Excuse me." Mantis says quietly, but she immediately has everyone's eyes on her. "Somethings happening." And then she begins to fade away, parts of her turning into ash, she's gone in seconds. No one says anything, they're all too shocked for words. Thanos couldn't have won, it can't be true.
And as if things can't get any worse, Drax speaks up, "Quill?"
And then Drax is gone too.
The ones who remain look around, but they can't do anything. And then Tony notices a strange look in Star Lords eyes.
"Steady Quill." He says, putting his hand up to try and stop whatever this is from happening.
"Oh man." Is the last words that come from his mouth before he disappears and turns into dust too.
"Tony." Strange says, making all eyes that are left turn to look at him. "There was no other way."

They're all gone. Tony can't even process the guilt before two words come from Peter's mouth, crushing his heart as they do so.
"Mr. Stark?"
Tony holds his breath, praying silently that this isn't happening, that he'll open his eyes and this will just be a bad dream.
"I don't feel so good." And then the kids running up to him, throwing his arms around Tony and crying.
"I don't wanna go. I don't know what's happening. Save me, save me! I don't wanna go, sir please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go." His voice is desperate, the voice of a fifteen year old child. Peter's legs are fading to ashes and he can't stand up anymore. The two of them collapse to the ground, Tony's hand under the kids head, holding him close.
And then his last words.
"I'm sorry."

The silence that follows is deafening, Tony's hands sink through Peter's body as he completely disintegrates. It's just him and Nebula left. Tony can't even speak, the lump in his throat blocking him. And even if he could, the only words that would be able to come out would be mumbled by broken sobs. The kids ashes are covering his hands, he looks down at them, heartbroken. Peter's gone. His kid is gone and he couldn't save him.
His words only began to sink in once Tony steadied himself, sitting up properly and staring down at his hands once again.
"I don't wanna go." The words played over and over in his head, the terrified tone of his voice and the desperate look in his eyes. He didn't want to go. He didn't want to die.

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