Emotional Manipulation Part 2

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It's been a few hours since the three men left Peter alone in the room, his hands still chained together, but thankfully they let him stay on the floor instead of being suspended from the ceiling.
He had mostly spent the time trying to think of something he had done to deserve this. There had to be a reason Tony hated him now. It doesn't matter what the reason is though, Peter just sobs into his hands, completely hopeless.

Tony's room-

This was the worst the genius had ever felt. He can't do anything but watch as his kid cries himself to sleep, curled up in a ball like a child. His eyes water, he can't help but feel relief when Peter's breathing becomes more regular and he finally falls asleep.
"Thank fuck." He whispers, his head falling back against the wall.
He doesn't have even a chance to sigh before the door is opened. He doesn't wince or even flinch, they can't hurt him anymore than they already are.
"Time to work, Stark."
"Let the kid go first."
"You don't make the rules here. I would choose what you say wisely."
"Please, just let him stay in here with me then. Please, he's just a child." Tony pleads with him, looking over at the kid and curling his hands up in anger. "He's just a fucking child!"
"Watch your mouth, Stark." The alien snaps at him. "We have supplies for you to use, we're going to undo the restraints. But listen to me and listen well. If you even make the slightest move, I swear to you that I will beat the kid until he passes out."
Tony's eyes widen, he's never been so mad in his whole life. He wants to kill that asshole.
"Fucking touch him again and I'll rip your head off." Tony warns, voice low and threatening.
"You're starting to piss me off, Stark." The alien sighs, "If you lift a fucking finger when I take those chains off, I'll make sure you regret it. Understand?"
The genius grits his teeth and nods.
"Good. Now stay still." He orders.

When he's done undoing them, the alien takes a step back and tells Tony to get to his feet, which he does shakily.
"Stay here." The villain says as he opens the door and wheels in a table fill with lots of metal scraps and tools. "We need you to make guns, with this..." He holds up a glowing green rectangle.
"What is it?"
"It's an element from our home planet. It's extremely reactive, I'm sure you'll figure out how to use it to make something good." He smirks.
The first thing that comes to Tony's head is 'how can I use this to get out and save Peter.' But it's quickly knocked out of his head when the alien speaks again.
"We're keeping an agent in the kid's room until you finish. If you try and fight your way out of this, we kill the child anyways. You can't win, Stark. So just do yourself a favour and cooperate."
He slams the door behind himself, the lock clicking as Tony takes a breath.

In Peter's room-

The kid is woken up by the sound of the door, he quickly panics and shoves himself back into the wall again.
A man in black walks in with a glass of what looks like water.
"Drink up." He says, walking towards Peter and holding out the glass to him.
"I- I don't want it." Peter says, his head filled with thoughts of being poisoned or drugged.
"No one is going to hurt you unless you resist now. You're safe as long as someone keeps being good." He says, glancing towards the blacked out wall.
"What are you-"
"Drink this."
Peter gulps and takes the glass, he inspects it quietly and then takes a sip.
"Drink it all."
"I've told you that if you resist we hurt you. Do what I fucking say or regret it." There's a loud bang that comes from the other side of the mirrored wall that makes Peter jump. He gathers himself and then makes himself finish the drink.
The man looks towards the wall, his eyes darken in anger. He grabs Peter by his shirt and pins him against the wall.
"I drank it! Please- I'm not resisting-" The kid gasps in fear.
The man keeps a strong grip on him, "This isn't your fault. This is on your friend." He says before punching him across the face, he grabs Peter's chin and forces him to look towards the one way mirror.

Tony's room, five minutes earlier-

The billionaire watches as a man enters Peter's room, his breath catches in his throat knowing that he can't do anything.
The man offers the kid a drink and Tony listens intently as Peter tells him he doesn't want it.
He can't help but snarl when the man threatens his kid. Tony takes a step towards the mirrored wall, his breathing fast and erratic.
Peter takes a drink but the man tells him to finish it.
"Do what I fucking say or regret it." Tony loses it, he slams his hands against the wall to try and take the man's attention away from Peter, who finishes the drink in a panic.
The man throws him up against the wall, ignoring Peter's pleas, and punches him across the face before making him face Tony.
"Stop fucking touching him!" The genius shouts as he punches the wall in front of him.

Peter gasps and struggles to get away from the man's grip.
"Say 'hi.'" He orders the kid.
The child chokes out a sob, "H- Hi..." He repeats, he doesn't understand why but there's no way he's going to resist again.

"Fucking stop it!" Tony shouts, the door to his room slams open and he's met with the sight of another alien. "I'm doing what you fucking want so stop hurting him!"
"If you'd work faster you could leave sooner." The alien replies casually, but Tony is practically steaming, he's never been more angry in his life. He lunges at the alien and throws a punch before he's shoved up against the wall. He didn't expect the aliens to be that strong. Fuck.
"You stubborn piece of shit, Stark!" The thing says, eyebrows furrowed in anger. "I'll make you fucking regret that."
He turns around and leaves, locking the door behind himself.
Tony quickly starts to hyperventilate. He did this. And then his eyes widen in terror. "Peter!"

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