Hostage Part 2

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The two drag Peter out into a corridor as he struggles, but his feet can't stay on the floor.
"Stop with the fucking squirming." One of them huffs.
"Now, now. We're nearly there." The man who is leading in front of them replies and he turns the corner into a new room. "Tada!" He says, pointing at the practically empty room.
"What? What're we supposed to do with him?" Another one asks, clearly losing patience.
"See that meat hook?"
Oh fuck.
"No! No you can't do this! Please!" Peter shouts, he twists side to side in an attempt to get loose."
"Shut up. I have an idea too." The last man of the three smirks. "Let's make sure Tony sees this."
"No! Screw you!" The kid cries, and then in a desperate attempt he kicks the man holding him in the back of the leg. As soon as he stumbles, Peter sprints. Turns out it's hard to run fast when you're terrified and your hands are tied behind your back.
But that doesn't stop him, he doesn't look behind him when he hears threats coming from the men.
"You get back here right now or I'll fucking kill you!"
He keeps running, his legs are sore but he keeps going until he reaches a door. He turns around and uses his bound hands to open it, but the men are catching up to him so quickly, he can see them face on before he turns back and goes through the door. He still isn't outside though, he opens one of the many doors in the new corridor he ends up in. He closes it fast and then looks around, it's pretty barren but there's a desk and a cupboard in the corner of the room.
He runs over and gets inside, praying they don't find him. He can hear their voices. "You two go check the exit, don't let him go far. I'll check the rooms."
There's footsteps echoing of the walls, as Peter starts to hyperventilate.
The door creaks open and the man lets out a chuckle before speaking. "I know you're in here. You're not fast enough to have gotten out of the building. Do you know what's going to happen to you?"
He pauses and bends down, looking towards the cupboard Peter is in. "I'm gonna put a meat hook through your shoulder and you'll hang there until we kill you."
The kid lets out a muffled sob.
"I'm also gonna FaceTime your 'dad' and make him watch." He grins and puts his head around the side of the cupboard so that he's face to face with the child. "Found you."
Peter tries his best to make himself smaller and pushes into the cupboard as far as he can go.
"You're gonna regret running. I can promise you that." He snarls, and then grabs the kid by his hair and pulls him out. He lifts Peter up and then knees him in the stomach, making the boy fall to the ground and keel over in pain.
"No- Don't-" Peter sobs out.
"Get up."
"No- please..."
"Stand up!" He yells, and then pulls him to his feet, "I got the kid!"
The other two can be heard walking back towards them.
Peter strains and struggles as much as possible, so much so that the man holding him can't drag him out of the room by himself.
"Stop being so fucking difficult!" He huffs, hitting him across the face.
"Ah- ahh- No-" The child gasps.
The other two run in and lift him up, one of them throwing him over his shoulder.
"Take him back where he belongs."
And then they walk towards the horrible room Peter never wanted to see ever again. He still fights them, but he can't do it efficiently because his wrists are bound.
"No! No! Don't-"
They reach the door and open it, and then the one carrying the kid throws him to the floor.
"I'm gonna enjoy this, you brat." The one who found Peter smiles evilly. He bends down and pulls the boy up by his shirt. "Hold the hook still." He tells the other men, ignoring the pleas and desperate cries from the hostage.
"Let him go!" A familiar voice shouts with so much anger it startled everyone in the room, within a second the two men who aren't standing near Peter drop to the floor.
Quickly the man holding Peter puts the kid's neck right beside the meat hook, so close that he can feel the metal on his throat. Standing in the doorway is Tony, in his suit, with his mask off.
"Back up. I'll kill him." He says, a cocky grin on his face. And then he takes the sharp object and drags it shallowly down Peter's cheek, making him gasp out in pain. Tony's face burns red with rage, watching this asshole cut his kid.
"What's the matter, Stark? Don't like it when I hurt him?" He asks sarcastically, then he grips Peter's face and turns it harshly to face Tony. "Or is it that you don't like the way I'm holding his chin?"
"I will fucking kill you! Let him go!"
Peter's face is red and stained with tears, and now blood is running down his cheeks. The sight is enough to make Tony's blood boil.
"Don't look so upset, Stark." He coos in a calm voice, he runs a finger down the cut on the kid's face making him squirm, "He's alright."
"Get your fucking hands off him now!"
"You can't shoot me as long as I have this precious kid as a hostage." He replies, moving backwards away from the hook. "I'm gonna walk out this door, with your boy and maybe I'll let him live." The man moves his hand up to Peter's hair and tugs him backwards.
"Mr. Stark! No- Let me-"
Before the kid gets a chance to finish his sentence, he's flung forward and hits the floor. He turns around and sees the criminal laying on the floor, and above him is Captain America.
As soon as he sees that Peter is at a safe distance from the asshole that did this, Tony stands above him, fire in his eyes.
"What? You gonna-" Before the injured man can finish his sentence, Tony had shot him in the head. The expression on his face immediately changes as soon as he's dead, he gasps and rushes towards Peter, his nanotech suit leaving his body.
"Kid. Hey- Hey..." He drops to his knees and takes the child in his arms, untying the rope binding his hands.
"Mr. Stark- I-"
"It's alright, you're okay, I got you. You don't have to be afraid anymore." Tony reassures him, he reaches around and picks Peter up with ease, letting him curl into the crook in his neck.
"I got ya. I got ya." He tells him, tears filling his eyes. "Come here, I gotta get you somewhere else." He lifts him up lovingly, listening to the kid's cries as he grasps onto his father figure's shirt. They leave the building, but Tony stops when Peter starts to tap his shoulder.
"What's wrong? What- What's wrong? Talk to me."
"There- There's more in the- the building."
"No, Nat took them down. We already got them, kiddo. Don't worry." Tony reassures him. Peter just nods and continues to cling to his shirt until they arrive at the car waiting for them. He doesn't say anything on the ride but after a few minutes he falls asleep peacefully in Tony's arms, surrounded by Cap, Nat and a very concerned Bruce. He wanted to take Peter back in an ambulance but the kid insisted he wanted to stay with Tony for a while.
They finally get to the Tower and immediately Stark takes Peter to the third floor, basically a medical room. There isn't much they can do for the kid, as most of his injuries would heal on their own but they keep him overnight just to make sure he's okay. Tony stays with him the whole time, laying beside him in the bed and running his fingers through his hair lovingly. Peter gets better after a few days, he still has PTSD from the experience but he was strong. Tony knows he's always been strong. They get better together.

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