Dragged Away

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When Peter entered the Stark Tower on a Saturday morning, everything seemed to be normal. Though, there was a faint buzz in his head that warned him of danger, which he hesitantly ignored. The fifteenth floor was busy today, much more busy than usual. There were men in SHIELD uniforms walking around, most of them in a rush. Then Tony appears from down a hallway and jogs slightly to get closer to Peter.
"Hey kiddo, didn't think you'd be here so early today." He says, ruffling his kid's hair as they walk towards the sofa.
"Yeah well, I woke up early and wanted to come down. Sorry, I should've asked. What's going on?" Peter asked curiously, watching as all the agents ran past him frantically.
"No no, you can come down any time, any day and I'll be here. But I don't actually know what's going on. Fury came in with some crap about an "evil being," and then these guys swarmed around me like rats." Tony said, spinning around, watching the madness take place.
"Oh. How long will they be here for?" The kid asks.
"I'll check with Nick." Tony says as he grips his phone in his hand and texts a quick message to Fury.
The two sit down beside each other whilst a quick text comes through Stark's phone with a ding.
"Shit," He whispers, "what the hell?" There's obvious panic in his eyes and Peter can't help but become nervous.
"Mr. Stark? What's wrong?"
"Kid. Listen to me, you're going to go downstairs and run, put on your suit and keep running. Call me if something happens." Tony says, his voice low to avoid any attention, but some of the agents are already facing them. "These people aren't from SHIELD, they're from Hydra."
Peter can feel his breaths quicken as he tries to act natural, but it's already too late. Tony reacts fast, trying to summon his suit with his bracelet, but the agents act faster. People are pinning him to the floor faster than Peter can even blink. That's when his spidey senses warn him and he shoves himself to the side, narrowly avoiding a fist to the side of his head.
"Kid! Run!" Tony's screaming at him, though a hand muffles most of the noise he's making. When Peter looks over, it's a sight he can't even cope with. There are so many agents holding Tony down, his hands and ankles are chained up and there's something in his mouth that's drowning out any noise he makes. It's enough to make Peter feel sick. The fear and anxiety he's feeling for his father figure is affecting his fighting skills. There are three people trying to take him down, but it's clear that Tony was their real target. Peter was clearly just a nuisance they needed to get rid of. That's when things take a turn for the worse. Peter can hear it before they even turn it on. He doesn't know what it is, but the agents are holding a pipe that's leaking with some type of gas above Tony.
"No! Stop!" Peter yells, trying to distract their attention to him instead. Tony, however, is still awake, still fighting with everything in him against the countless hands holding him down. He's turning his head to try and stop them from putting that gas anywhere near him. But there's a part of him that's glad they've decided to do this to him instead of Peter. If they knew he was a mutant, that may have been a very different story. Tony focuses on reality again and opens his eyes to see a man kneeling above him with the tube. He knows what's going to happen now, the doctors in Afghanistan had put a tube up his nose in order to keep him alive. But this was different. This is the most uncomfortable part for Tony, he would do anything else rather than have another tube shoved up his nose. The man above him uses one hand to keep his head still as he inserts the tube into him. He can barely breathe, his mouth and nose almost completely covered now. He can feel the gas in his head and his eyes roll back as the darkness takes over him. The only thing that's going on his mind is trying to concentrate on the words that Peter is screaming from across the room. But he can't focus enough to hear him. And then... darkness. Once he's out cold, the agents relax slightly for a brief second. A very brief second. As in the next few moments, Fury walks out of the elevator, nearly a dozen real SHIELD agents close behind him. Most of the Hydra workers have no guns in their hands now, as they had only just finished restraining Tony.
"Drop the weapons now!" Fury's voice is angry and it echoes off the walls. At the other side of the room, Peter is still kicking and yelling, doing everything he can to try and get to Tony. His voice is hoarse from all the screaming he was doing and his arms ached from how hard he had fought. But he was far too afraid to let anything happen to his mentor to think of anything else. As soon as Fury had walked in, the agents, who were half-startled, loosened their grip. This gave the kid the perfect opportunity to make a run for it. And that's exactly what he does. He manoeuvres past the Hydra workers and throws himself to the floor beside Tony. Pushing past the evil people still kneeling beside him and carefully pulling out the fabric from his mouth and the tube from his nose. He throws the tube away from them as it still sprays out the gas. And then he automatically grips onto Stark with all the energy he has left, his arms wrap around Tony's shoulders and he lays his head on his father figure's chest. And for a moment, everything seems to stop. No one moves and no time passes. But then all hell breaks loose. Hydra agents firing at Fury and his men, breaking countless objects in the Tower, including the windows. But Peter can't fight right now, he's too occupied with keeping Tony safe. It's close to a fair fight, with Fury calling in for back up on his Walkie as the Hydra agents start shooting.
"Get the target, now!" A voice sounds out and then there are hands grasping tightly onto Peter's arms, trying to pry him away.
"Let me go! You can't take him!" He shouts, using his legs to kick whoever he can. But the amount of people is too much for him to handle, his grip slips from Tony's t-shirt and then he's being pulled away. He can't do anything but watch as the person he loves the most in the world is dragged farther and farther away from him. He can't lose him, he can't. And suddenly, the fear and emotions are too much, Peter just bawls. He's sobbing and trying so hard, harder than he's ever tried at anything. But the people are insistent, four people, one for each arm and leg are holding him back as he cries. The gun fire hasn't stopped, the sound of bullets can be heard at every inch of the floor. But with how much Peter is struggling, the agents can't reach for their guns when they're surrounded by SHIELD agents. They instinctively drop their hands and Peter falls to the floor once again. His hands and knees hurt so bad but he still moves as fast as he can to get back to his dad.
"Mr. Stark?" His voice is rough, and he hiccups as he holds back the sobs that wrack his shaking body.
Then he's hugging him again, Tony's T-shirt getting damp from his kid's tears. It takes the kid a lot of persuasion to let Stark get moved downstairs to the lab. Even when he does let him go, he clings to Tony's limp hand that's still chained to the other, as they go down the elevator. The first thing they do is take the restraints off of him and lay him onto the bed. The gas, apparently, was just basically a "sleeping gas," as Nick had called it. The kid was still upset and Fury knew that any specific details could make him worse. He did, however, tell him that the anaesthesia would wear off in an hour. And obviously, Peter lay in the bed beside him until the effects wore off. Tony was dazed when he woke up, and then he felt a familiar warmth on his chest. He looked down to see his kid, with his messy hair sprawled out over him.
"H...hey..." Tony breathes out.
"Mr. Stark?" Peter sits up quickly, his eyes red and puffy and Tony could clearly tell that he had been very upset.
"You okay? What happened?" Tony asks, his speech getting better as the anaesthesia leaves his system.
"I'll tell you what happened." Fury speaks up, he's sitting in a chair opposite them. "Hydra were coming for you, they wanted you to enhance people for their super soldier experiments. And then, your kid..." He gestures to the young boy laying beside Tony. "Freaked out. Major freaked out. Do you know how difficult you two are to handle? Your kid goes missing for an hour and I have seventeen missed phone calls. And then you get knocked out and your kid throws the biggest tantrum I've ever seen." Fury says, a smile creeping up onto his face.
"Well, that's understandable." Tony says with a laugh. "The kid was worried."
"I was really worried." Peter sighs with relief, melting into his dad even more, if that was possible.
"Yeah, see? He was just worried." Tony says, putting his fingers through Peter's hair to comfort him. Nick just sighs and stands up.
"Next time someone goes after you or the kid, get someone else to deal with you two." He says as the elevator door closes.
"So you panicked, huh?" Tony smirks, "scared for dear old Ironman?"
"Mmhmm," Peter nods, "didn't wanna lose you."
"You won't ever get rid of me, kiddo. Never." Tony sighs, finally comfortable in a bed with his kid right next to him. And the world seems at peace, with no one else there, just the two of them forever.

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