Emotional Manipulation Part 3

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Tony groans, pulling himself to his knees with effort. Oh fuck. They'll kill the kid.
"PETER!" He shouts, stand up and picking up a screwdriver off the table. Desperately, he tries to break the glass keeping him away from Peter.

Peter's room-

The man finally lets him go, he falls to the floor immediately and makes himself as small as he possibly can in the corner. And then 'Tony' walks in, the kid quickly avoids eye contact, as the other agent leaves the room.
"Mr. Stark- I- I'm sorry..." He says quietly, unsure of what he's apologising for but still sincere all the same. And then he looks at his mentor's face and sees that he's more mad than he's ever looked.
His eyes are enough to scare Peter into a panic attack.
Before he even gets a chance to put his hand on the child, there's a loud smash, followed by the sound of fragments of glass falling to the floor.
Peter looks up quickly, the darkened wall gone completely, and to his shock and horror he sees his father figure. Pure panic and adrenaline easily visible on his face.
"Mr- Mr- Stark?"

Tony can't focus on him right now, he picks up a particularly big piece of glass and swings at the alien in front of him. He doesn't bat an eye when blue blood seeps across the floor.

Peter gasps, he's terrified, he stares as a clone of Tony attacks the other. He pushes himself further away from the fight when one Tony starts to bleed. But it isn't red. It's blue.

The alien transforms into his own body, complete with green scales and beady eyes.
"You've fucked with my kid for the last time!" Tony screams furiously, he jumps on top of the extraterrestrial and stabs it in the heart. The alien throws him off and shrieks in pain, but after a few tense seconds he falls to the floor, lifeless.
Tony gasps, dropping the glass in his hand, covered in blue blood and his own, from the slice in his hand and the shards that had jabbed into him when he landed on the floor. He rushes to the door and locks it from the inside to buy them some time.

Tony pulls himself to his knees and moves towards the kid, his heart almost breaks when Peter tries to back away from him.
"What- What is this?"

"Kid. It's me. Okay? It's me." Tony replies, he desperately needs Peter to believe him.
"What- No- What are you?" The child gasps, still very nervous and afraid of the man in front of him.
The fear in his voice is enough to make Tony's eyes start to water.
"No. No. Kid. It's me, I'm here. They- Those things are- are- shape shifters. They wanted to hurt me by hurting you. I'm not one of them. Look- Look at my blood." He says exasperatedly, showing off his palms in a panicked frenzy.
"Peter- I swear it's me. I-"
"Mr. Stark! What did we watch the night after the fight in Germany? We watched a movie..."
"We watched Lord of the Rings, the second one. You told me that Samwise is your favourite. You said that I reminded you of Aragorn." Tony replies breathlessly. "We gotta get you out of here now."
"The- the chains. Can't- can't get them off." Peter replies quietly.
Tony, still wielding the screwdriver as a weapon, tries desperately to pry them off, but to no avail.
"I- I don't know what these are made of." He says honestly, looking perplexed at the metal.
"Please run. Mr. Stark- please run. Go now. You have to. Get help." The kid replies frantically.
"No, no- I won't leave you." Tony gasps, still trying hopelessly to get the restraints off of Peter. "I can't let you stay here! They'll kill you!"
"Mr. Stark! They're gonna kill both of us if you stay!"
"I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" Tony shouts, pain and anguish clear in his voice.
They didn't have any more time to argue before the racket they had made attracted more aliens. The door swung off the hinges and four of them swarmed around the pair.
"What have you done?!" One of them asks angrily, looking at the dead body on the floor. Tony doesn't reply, he just raises his fists and positions himself in front of Peter protectively.
"What do we do to them?" Another asks, fists clenched.
"Take that one and chain him up too." The first alien tells him, pointing at Tony.
The hero struggles and fights but his strength is nothing compared to theirs. He can't do anything but claw at the wall as he's dragged away from Peter.
It's complete chaos, and then an alarm goes off that startles everyone. It's loud and unending and clearly irritating the aliens.
"Someone has entered the building!" One of those creatures yells, "Go fix whatever's happened!"
Two aliens run out of Peter's room and to the left, leaving the child alone with just one of them. The sounds that occur right after that indicated a fight. Peter watches with wide eyes as the thing in front of him pulls out a gun, but before he can even aim, he's knocked backwards and it's clear that he won't wake up again. The kid gasps, tugging at the chains again and twisting his body in an effort to escape.
He was not expecting, however, a young, blonde woman with a cool suit to walk in. She stops when she sees the boy, her demeanour immediately changes from stern to caring.
"You must be Peter, right? Are you alright?"
The kid stays silent, too afraid to answer her, he just wants Tony.
"There are people who miss you, Peter. My name is Carol, I'm here to help you, okay?" She says with a gentle smile. "Can I come closer to you?"
"I- I want- I want Mr. Stark." He mumbles, glancing towards the hole where the door had been.
"We're gonna go get him, but I have to get you out of those first." She replies, gesturing to the cuffs.
Peter nods hesitantly, flinching slightly when the woman leans towards his wrists.
"It's okay," she whispers, and without any hassle she easily breaks them and places them on the floor. "Can you walk?"
"I- I don't-"

"Peter!" A voice calls.
"Mr. Stark!" He shouts back, stumbling to his feet and trying to move to the door. Tony comes running in, closely followed by Nick Fury. He rushes to Peter and embraces him in his arms as tight as he can. The kid does the same, wrapping his arms around his mentor.
"Hey, kid. Hey. You're okay. We're okay."
Peter nodded, trying to avoid crying tears of relief.

"What are those things?" Tony asks, looking back at Fury, but he's met with an answer from the blonde woman.
"They're Skrulls, they come from my planet."
"Are they gone?" Peter asks nervously.
"Yeah, they're all gone now." She replies softly.
"Can- can we leave?"
"Yeah, we're gonna take you guys to a hospital." Fury nods. "Are you okay to walk to the car?"
Peter looks at Tony and there's a mutual understanding in their eyes and they help each other to their feet. The kid doesn't let go of his father figure, not in the car, and not in the hospital when he had to get stitches on his eyebrow from where the 'Tony' alien had punched him. They stayed together. Tony wasn't ever going to let him out of his sight again.

(Guys I'm so sorry I've been gone so long! Please leave some suggestions in the comments!)

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