Interrogation Part 3

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(There's going to be five chapters of this story.)

Despite his eyes being closed, the light is practically blinding, Peter's just waking up. He groans quietly and tries to turn to his side, but finds that he can't.
He opens his eyes and quickly decides that it's a bad idea before closing them again.
After a few minutes go by, his eyes start to adjust to the light and he blinks warily. He can finally see, but he wishes he couldn't, the sight in front of him is like something from a horror movie.
His hands and ankles are cuffed once again with Vibranium, only this time his wrists are connected to the top of a bed and his ankles to the bottom. The walls are grimy, and the paint is peeling, the bed is completely bare except for a dirty mattress. Peter almost starts to hyperventilate before he subconsciously starts to struggle, but a voice makes him jump, he turns his head to the other side of the room, but his vision starts to spin again from the fast movement.
"There's no point in fighting. You're not getting out of here until Stark arrives."
"I-" Peter gasps out while he looks to the Captain sitting in a chair in the corner.
"Don't- Just don't. After that little stunt you pulled, you're lucky we didn't gag you again." Steve says angrily.
"What... what happened?" The kid asks, his memory is fuzzy and he can barely think.
"You tried to run and I knocked you out."
"Mr. Stark." Peter chokes out.
"Tony has six hours left until he runs out of time, you've been out for a while." Steve explains to him, "I've been waiting for you to wake up for ages."
"Run- Runs out of time?" The kid questions, "What's that mean?"
"Don't worry about it right now. You need to eat something." Steve says, "Give me two minutes."
He walks out the door, leaving Peter to try pointlessly to escape the bonds. He comes back in a second later, holding a plate with a sandwich on it.
"What's in it?"
"Ham and cheese."
"That's not what I mean. Is it drugged?" Peter asks, "Cause I'll be honest with you, drugs aren't good for you and I can't take them. I don't think anyone-"
"Do you ever shut up? You'll eat what you're given, it's not drugged." Steve sighs.
"I'm not gonna eat it, just in case, you know?"
"Yes you are."
"Look you can forcefully keep me captive here, but you can't force me to eat." Peter spits at him and then grins, "More for you!"
"Listen here you little brat!" Steve walks right up to him and wraps a hand around his throat threateningly. "You will do what I say or you will die. Understand?"
"I- I can't-" Peter chokes out the words, he can't breathe properly, it's like his whole body is on fire.
"Y- Yes-" Just as he starts to pass out, Steve let's go and Peter gasps in a few shaky breaths. He pants and coughs until his throat feels raw, it felt like he would never have air again.
"Good. Now eat."
The next few minutes were terrifying, but the kid couldn't help but feel embarrassed for himself, he gave in. He let his captor feed him like he was a baby. What was even more humiliating was the fact that he hadn't tried to resist.
"Wasn't so hard, right?"
"It's only been a day, it's not like I was starving, why would you make me eat?" Peter says, looking down to his chest, shame present in his eyes.
"It's not about you eating, it's about you doing what we tell you to. If you get that through your head then maybe this would be easier." Steve sighs.
"I need the bathroom." Peter says plainly, eyes still looking down.
"Can't trust you."
"Fine." Steve agrees hesitantly, "I'll let you go to the bathroom, I'm gonna undo your wrists and you're going to turn around and put your hands behind your back."
Peter nods silently, the cogs in his brain are turning faster than he can handle.
"Okay stay still."
This was his chance, only one person in here with him, he could get away, stop this madness.
The left side is unlocked with a click, followed by the right.
"Sit up." The man demands.
And Peter does just that, he sits up and then punches Steve in the face as hard as he can. As he stumbles backwards, the kid takes the keys from his hand and starts working on his ankles.
"You little shit!" He grunts angrily, dusting himself off before walking back towards the bed.
But Peter's already free, he runs to the door and sprints out as fast as he can. There seems to be a million corridors, all of which look the exact same, but he continues to run anyways.
He can hear Steve closing in on him, Jesus he was fast, it doesn't help that he's shouting threats after him. Peter can't look back. He needs to keep his eyes ahead and find a way out of here.
The footsteps stop, the kid turns to look, careful of any plan his captor might have.
"I won't play this game any longer."
Peter continues to gasp as he looks to the man who's gone still.
"What is this?" He asks, he can't listen to a single untrustworthy word that comes from Steve's mouth, so why had he stopped?
"I'm done, I've tried being nice, I've tried to indulge your requests but I'm done. You wanna make things hard for yourself, that's fine with me, but you're gonna have to live with the consequences."
Peter takes a few shaky steps backwards, but he's pulled into the grip of another person and he can't move. Bucky has him pinned to his chest, both his wrists held in place with Bucky's metal hand.
"Let me go, you bastards!" The kid hisses through gritted teeth, he tries to escape but it's like it's impossible.
Steve takes a few steps towards him, while the kid prepares for a hit that doesn't come. Instead he's pushed from Bucky's arms into Steve's.
He's held differently this time, the man puts one arm against his back but holds the kids other arm out towards his friend, who instinctively takes it in his metal hand again.
"What- What are you doing?"
"Break his arm."

There's a sharp snap. Followed by a scream of agony. This wasn't a good day. But it was about to get much worse.

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