Evil! Steve? Part 3

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Tony wakes up, feeling dizzy and woozy from the blood loss. But he's alone, and his sleep was uninterrupted so he counts himself lucky. There's nothing he can do to fix the wound in his leg, he can't even move his hands from behind his back. So he just waits, patiently. He's not in a rush to speak to any of the new 'friends' he had made in the past few days. Not in a rush to talk to Steve especially.

Two hours and forty minutes later-

The door opens. "Good morning." Steve's voice comes through before he even walks inside the room.
"Morning." Tony replies, his words much more pronounced than before, the long night alone having repaired his vocal cords.
"Did you enjoy your sleep?"
"Do you enjoy small talk?" Tony replies without missing a beat.
"I prefer small talk to silence. But I'm not here for conversation. Right now, I'm here to stitch up your leg. We can't have you bleeding out before you get a chance to work." Steve tells him, medical kit in hand as he nears.
"So thoughtful." Tony remarks.
"I wouldn't say that. 'Thoughtful' would be giving you some type of pain relief but you don't get the luxury." Steve says, "I want it to hurt."
Tony leans his head back against the wall as the soldier unzips the bag and pulls out a needle and thread. Steve wastes no time in pricking it into his leg and pulling the skin together with the wire. Tony grits his teeth and bares through the pain, not wanting to let Steve hear him cry out again. He stays strong until it's finished and then he sighs.
"Now," Steve says, standing up and admiring his work, "Don't think that I won't do the same thing again if you piss me off again. I can always just stitch you back up."
"I'll keep that in mind." Tony replies sarcastically.
"Good. The meet up is set for today, quicker we get the equipment, the faster you can start to work."
"And Steve?" Tony asks, "The real Steve, I mean. Will he be alright? What are you gonna do to him when you let go of his mind?"
"You care about him. How sweet." The villain chuckles. "He will go back to how he was before, but he will remember everything I do in his body. He's watched me hurt you and he had no way to stop it. I'm sure it's killing him. Once my actual body arrives, I'll let him go."
"I don't believe you."
"You don't have to, my body is only an hour or so away. You can see for yourself what I do with him."
"Don't fucking touch him. I won't lift a finger for you if you hurt him." Tony promises.
"You really care about him. I wonder how he's feeling, hearing you say that and still not being able to stop himself from hurting you if I want to."
"This isn't him." The hero says, making sure to look him in the eyes, "This isn't his fault."
They're interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." Steve turns to greet whoever is there.
"Boss, we collected the technology, it went smoothly." A man in a black suit says, no expression on his face.
"Good. Bring a table in here and set up a workspace for Mr. Stark."
The man nods and leaves them alone again.
"I'm not doing shit until I know that you won't hurt Steve." Tony tells him.
"You'll do whatever the fuck I say. I'm going to undo the handcuffs and cuff your hands in front of you instead so you can work. I'll get you a chair too for your leg." Von Doom replies nonchalantly as he pulls a small key out from his pocket.
"Be my guest, asshole. I won't do it."
The villain tuts like he's scolding a toddler, "Fine. So stubborn. I'll be back in to meet you face to face in a while. Until then, I'll have my men set up in here for you. See you soon, Stark."

He's true to his word. Men come in and out carrying boxes full of metal and strange objects, setting a chair at the table in the middle of the room. Not one of them even whispers a word to the captive sitting on the mattress at the back of the room. It feels like no time has passed at all before he's alone. And then like even less time when the door creaks open.
Tony is expecting to see any type of person walk through, the real Victor Von Doom. A villain of grand scale. He's not expecting to see two men carrying in his friend, unconscious. He looks at the Captain America suit and knows that something is different. The real Steve is back. But he's not awake.

"Steve? Hey- wake up!" Tony says, watching as the men drop him next to him on the mattress. "Hey? Hey! What did you do?"
None of the men answer but he hears a response from outside. "He's okay. He's alive." A handsome man with dark hair and a perfectly tailored suit tells him. "My name is Victor. Nice to meet you properly."
"I don't give a shit. Why is he here?! You said you'd let him go!"
"Don't raise your voice at me, Stark. He stays as insurance that you will do what I tell you to."
"I'll do whatever you want but-"
He's cut off when Von Doom calls out to the hallway, "Bring in the new cuffs and the vibranium ones for the Captain."
The order is obeyed immediately, and Tony has no time to yell at the bastards before his hands are unrestrained and then cuffed in front of him instead. He struggles as he's lifted over to the table and sat down, his ankle cuffed to the metal table in front of him and his handcuffs connected to left wall with a long chain. He goes to stand up and fight his way over to Steve but he's stopped when Von Doom pulls a gun from his holster and aims it at his friend's head.
"Sit down." He says simply and waits for Tony to do as he's told, which he does hesitantly, keeping his mouth shut for Steve's safety.
"Good." Von Doom holsters the gun, takes a pair of green tinted handcuffs and places his friend's hands behind his back, clicking them into place. "Now." He starts, "These are vibranium, but Mr. America here is very strong, so we're going to keep him heavily sedated throughout his stay. He'll be awake and alert, but unable to fight very much."
"You can't keep him here! That wasn't part of the deal!" Tony argues.
"We didn't have a deal, Stark. You do what I say or he dies. That's the actual deal. And maybe, if you're good, I'll disconnect you from the table and you can sit with him. But for now, get to work." Von Doom replies, waving his hand dismissively at him as he takes a seat in the chair in the corner.
"You have to let-"
"You're going to be making a new suit, a suit capable of much more destruction than your own. Everything you need is right here." Von Doom says. "And don't forget that I-" And then the villain is interrupted by a different voice entirely.

The genius turns around quickly, to see his friend staring up at him and trying his best to sit up.
"Steve. Steve! You okay?"
"Think- think so. You alright?" The Captain asks, he's lying in an awkward position, he can't push himself to get up.
"Yeah- yeah, I am." Tony says with relief, "Can we have a minute? I'll make the suit, just give me ten minutes." He directs his speech to Victor with pleading eyes.
Von Doom looks amused but nods anyways, before leaving he turns to Tony, "You know what I can do, Stark. Don't try anything." He spits before slamming the door.
Tony doesn't care, he tries to move himself over to Steve but between his ankle being attached to the table and his bad leg he can't reach him.
"Tony- Tony- Stop- It's okay." Steve says, "I- I'm so sorry, I couldn't- I hurt you and- and-"
"No. No. You didn't have a choice, that wasn't you. It's alright. I'm alright. But we gotta get out of here. Once I finish doing what he wants, he'll kill the both of us."
"I- I can't move my arms and legs." Steve grunts out in frustration.
"I know. They drugged you, the cuffs are Vibranium, this guy isn't a regular bad guy." Tony explains.
"You can't do what he tells you-"
"Steve... don't-"
"Tony. If you do what they tell you to people are going to get hurt." The Captain says.
"And if I don't, they're going to hurt you."
"If this was the other way around, you'd tell me not to help them. It's okay, Tony. It's alright, but you can't let people die for me." Steve says, trying to ignore the tears welling up in his friend's eyes.
"No. No. I can't- I can't sit here and let him- I won't."
"No. Steve. No."
"You would let them hurt you- You know you would."
"No. I-" Tony is cut off when Von Doom returns, a smile on his face when he sees how distraught the hero is.
"Did you boys have a good catch up?" He asks. There's a tense pause.

"I- I need a soldering iron." Tony mumbles.
"No. Tony. Don't."
"I'll have one of my men grab you one and then you can start properly." Victor smirks.
"He's not going to do this." Steve raises his voice at the villain and turns his attention to his friend. "Tony, I won't let you do this."
"You don't get a choice." Von Doom says, his smile turning to annoyance. "If not, I take control of your brain and make you hurt him. If one of you tries to stop this I will hurt the other. Do you understand?"
Neither of them reply, but that answers his question anyways. They won't let each other get hurt.

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