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[Name] [Surname] already experience a lot of hardships and obstacles towards her life. She didn't wanted to experience those again but fate really like to test her capability of surviving. Is fate really likes to play with her or it was already destiny to happen?

Join [Name] on her adventure towards the demon slayer world and what kind of world awaits for her!

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: The story has a lot of flaws. Grammatical errors, spellings and such. Take note, that I am still learning on writing and this is my first time really dedicating myself on writing so I'm really sorry if the character of [Name] didn't suit to your personality. )


- (10.29.22) -

If you're new here and wanted to read this, thank you very much and I appreciate it. However, I am not and will never continue this story anymore. I simply just loss my interest in demon slayer, although I still love their characters, I can't just write about a fan fiction about them again. If you still wish to continue onwards from here, I am gladly welcoming you. Still, you need to ready yourself for a lot of grammatical errors and mistakes, wrong spellings and the character development of (Y/N). I was still quite young when I write this so it is definitely likely that you won't like her nor the way I portray other characters.

Some of the scenes in the story can be inspired by some stories I have read when I was still young, so I wanted to give credits to them and politely apologize for having it on my own story.

Lastly, thank you for reading this!

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