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"Good morning, everyone!" You shouted as you sit on the vacant seat. Your friend look at me and giggled.

"Hey! Did you already finish to watch the anime that I requested you to watch?." You just smiled at (F/N) and pat her head.

"Yes! Ah, I actually didn't know that I am into Harem!" You laughed while waiting for the order to come on your table. Your friend earlier already order for the both of you so you didn't really need to call for the waiter.

You are currently sitting on the cafe that is residing where your school near at. Their customer are mainly the student from your school and since the school exams are already over. Many of your schoolmates including you and your friend gone by to unwind and to celebrate on the cafe since the hell weak is finally over. They choose to go on this place because of the scenery of it. It is glass wall so you could clearly see the outside of the place and there are trees that surrounding the place.

Your friend suggested you to watch 'My next life as a villainess' (A/N: I am promoting this anime to everyone 😌)
You didn't actually expect that you would love it since you just finished reading the manga of Kimetsu no Yaiba and you really cried too much because on what happened on the Manga.

Luckily your friend suggested the anime so it can healed your aching heart towards the characters of Kimetsu No Yaiba.

Ah, you wanted them to be alive and it is too sad that they died but still atleast Muzan is finally defeated after they kept him until the dawn.

"Well, you should buy the light novel of it! It was beautiful and amazing as well. There are some other new members added to the harem!" Your attention was caught again by your friend.

"Really?! Then, I really should! I wanted to know who they are! Spoil me, spoil me! I won't be mad, I promise!" You said, pleadingly and even held your friend's soft hands towards yours.

She only laughed towards you and shake her head. Completely dismissing your thoughts about what you are currently suggesting.

"No! I don't wanted, it will completely run of the vibes and excitement, right!?" You pouted at her. You really wanted to know the new members that will added to her harem.

Ah, you even remembered when the prince whispered sweet nothings to her ears. Ah! You wished you would experience that too.

"Hey! Both of you! Why you didn't wait for me?!" A voice could be clearly heard behind the two of you and there standing is one of your friend. He was shaking and acting like he was mad because you and your friend left him on the school.

Who would wait for him when he was assigned to clean the classroom? You scoffed at him. Completely showing that you're annoyed by his presence.

"Serves you right! You laughed loudly earlier when I slipped on the floor in front of my classroom!" Truly enough, he loudly laughs when he saw you slip on the floor that's why you didn't even chat or wait for him when he was cleaning the room.

He laughed dryly when he remember the scene from earlier. He just couldn't forget the scene where you slip in front of him.

They both became your friends when you lost the will to live. Your parents died because of the plane crash. Leaving you on the state of loneliness.

You might not show your love towards your parents daily but the part of you love them too much. Everytime that you would remember them, you would crave for their touch again even just a little bit.

Your family is kind of a well off. Your father owning a company that he is managing while your mother also help him towards it. You don't have any personal experience about handling a lot of transaction but you did know how to do those since they are teaching you always about it just in case there's something to happen.

But never in your mind would pass the thought of them dying while you are currently the one who are attending on their work.

It happened when they go on the business trip. Since you are a only child. They have no choice but to leave the company on your care just for a while. Of course, there are secretary who will guide you to help you do your parents' work. You don't feel nervous at all since you already used on doing it when they are leaving and it's not that it's new to them to be leaving for business trip.

When you received the news of them not surviving on the plane crash, you just stand there while your face is already paled. Your parents' worker are all worried for your state but there are no tears coming out in your eyes. Still, you know deep inside you that your heart can't take the news. Your heart was aching. The other parts of your body are not functioning well. You could only gasped at hold on your chest because of too much pain that you heart was currently experiencing.

That's why you are only here after the school exams because even if you pass those or even got a high score, no one would celebrate with you. Except with your two friends that are currently joining on you on the table that you guys reserve to make sure that you three could have a place to seat.

When you really cried on those nights, a distant friend of your parent came by and help you to manage the business that your parents left for you. They already write their will to leave the business to you just in case there is something about to happen on them.

With the help of your parents' worker and also the friend of your parents you manage to handle the business. Of course, you also lost some of the assets that your parents own and your liabilities increase as well but you manage to pull off.

And when you just plan on just disappearing on the sight of all people, that's when the time they appear to you. Your friends now.

"Sorry, it couldn't be help but yeah let me just make it up for you next time by treating you your favorite volume of the manga!" And just like that, your grudge towards him is now gone.

"Really? If you won't do your promise, I will smack you in your head for sure!" You started to eat while he is still laughing.

"Of course, I would do---" your friends' voice was overwhelmed by a lot of voices.

"Run! Run! There are a bus that is coming to our place!" You couldn't understand any of it but you could only see the bus that is coming to your place.

Ah... You wanted to run but even if you guys did. There are no chance for you to survive from the crash since other people are already panicking.



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