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A/N: This will not affect the main story. It was a different story but I still wanted to try this. Note that, they are speaking in Japanese. This will be on Rengoku POV


It was already early in the morning when Rengoku finally finish to do his mission that was assigned on him by Oyakata-sama.

Even if there's already a sun rising from his direction. No sign of human can be seen from the place he's walking.

"Yuhoooo. Can you hear me?" Rengoku stop on his tracks when he heard a voice coming from his side but there's still no sign of human walking or near him.

It was dead quiet. Only the chirp of the birds can be heard or the his footsteps. Then, where did that voice came from? It was a voice of a human girl for sure but there's no one beside him and his crow.

Thinking about it, he just shrug his shoulder and decided to walk again. He just thought that it was part of his illusion since he was really tired protecting people until dawn.

"Eh? Why are you not answering me? Are you perhaps hate me? This is just our first time talking, you know!" Now, he realize that it was not part of his illusion. He can really hear a voice of a woman!

"Where are you?!" He shouted, although for him, he was just talking but for others he was shouting because his voice is enough to wake up someone who is deep asleep and was dreaming about their desires.

"Caaaw! Caaaaw! Quickly go back to the Oyakata-sama estate! Caw! Report your findings!" The sounds of his crow can be heard across him, that's why he decided to look up and ask his crow.

"Did you hear that?" He asked his crow who only peck his shoulder as a return.

"Caw! What do you mean! No one speaking beside us! Caw!" The crow decided to land on his shoulder and Rengoku have no choice but to continue on their journey.


It was a tiring day for him. He was currently resign on the Wisteria House and was staring at the ceiling. He didn't have any mission today. He was tired but contented, atleast he got to protect the people who needs help.

"Oh! You're finally free! We can talk now!" He did not know if he was starting to be insane but he just wish he is not.

"Who are you?! Reveal yourself!" The woman only laughs on return to his question.

"Ugh! So scary! Why can't you calm down first, alright!? I do not have any bad intention." He only sighed and just let himself go with the flow. Although, he still have doubts, he will never find the answer to his question if he will not confront this girl.

"Where are you?" He asked, muttering to himself. If he continues to shout like what he did earlier, for sure people will think that he has someone on the room or he was talking to himself in which he doesn't wanted to happened.

"I'm [Name]! Nice to meet you, Kyojuro-kun!" The said man, only frowned at the nickname that the girl called him too. Did the girl know who he is? But he does not know her.

"Alright, alright. You must be having a hard time and a lot of questions because you are too quiet for my liking. But, where did I come from or who I am does not important! The only important thing is, I am here to save you and your friends! Awesome, right?"

Okay, that was his last straw.

"I don't even know who you are. If you're trying to make fun of me, then I suggest you to stop because it was not funny." He will not talk again with this woman.

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