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"Is that a origami?" You glimpse a long and black hair that slowly turn to Mint Green as it reach the waist. Muichiro Tokito was standing beside you.

You merely nodded at him and he started to make his way to sit in front of you.

You have read that he has an hobby of making origami such as airplane that can fly for too long? It has been a long time when you read the manga but Tokito has a special place to your heart. It was because of his unpleasant way of saying the truth even if it can come as a bit rude.

Also because Tokito is just a young boy who forgot his memories. He was truly a kind person. You smiled at him as you show your way of making the origami.

He watched your actions, clearly because he wanted to remember all of the movements such as when do you fold the paper or the place you fold the paper.

You are making different kinds of crane while he merely watch you. Ah... What kind of conversation you can give to him when you are still having a hard time speaking and learning Japanese?

Just as the thought pass on you, you remembered when you are rushing to make your assignments that you need to submit later, then your friend will come up with you just to make fun of you doing your homeworks undeniably fast.

You are clearly pissed at your friend that's why you hit his head using the notebook you are holding hard and said that he should help you to make your homeworks too.

That's right! You should make Muichiro help you making the paper crane. It is his hobby so there are a chance that he will help you do it or to just join you.

You reach out another paper that you have inside your bag. Thanks to your teacher who advise to make a project that was hard to all of you. You manage to somehow stuff some papers on your bag and also your notebook and such other useless thing that you didn't know will be helpful now.

You gave a piece of paper that was enough to make a crane on it to him and sign him to join at you. He titled his head for a minute and you just sit there while staring at him...

Even if you're both staring at each other. His stare seems like a distant. Like he was looking on far distant place.

The room was undeniably quiet. There's no sounds coming from both of you. Well, it is because there are no other things inside the room that can create a noise.

There are only window and a futon that was ready for you to sleep in.

You glance at him when he finally take the paper from your hold and started to fold his paper and making a crane on his own.

You both work with ease and honestly, it is comforting and at the same time, uncomfortable silence that is immense around the two of you.

You fold your paper side to side to create a airplane. Then you continued to do your work while continuously snatching a glimpse towards the Mist Hashira.

He was humming and he really plastered a peaceful expression on his face making him look like an approachable and kind person.

He was truly a... kind person

"Ah... I have still some things to do." You look up to him when he suddenly stand up, clearly to walk on certain direction. He turn around you and just nodded.

"Take care." Even if you are having a hard time learning Japanese, you still able to learn some since the trio stay for too long enough for you to learn some greetings and exchanging some conversation.

In just a blink of eye, he was already gone. They are really fast when it comes of speed.

You sighed, reflecting on those actions that you have already done since you came here. You kept telling about how you wouldn't change any kind of plot on the manga but then you are here. On Muichiro estate. That supposed to never happen.

You supposedly never cease to exist at all. You keep reminding to yourself that you don't wanted to change anything here when in fact, the mere thought that you always come with them joining them on their travel towards killing demons makes you change the sequence of story already.

What you didn't think of that? Maybe you did... but because of your fear that you would mess up something, you didn't save from Tanjiro on his injuries because you thought that he will lost his will on fighting the ex lower moon.

Seriously.. how can you sleep when you let others hurting at your watch? It was unsightly. You hate yourself for letting that happen.

There are also other things that you did towards the trio. It was unthinkable. You didn't approach them nor let them talk to you. You didn't even have the time to bond up with them because of your arrogant attitude.

Ah, when did your end up like that?

You just wanted to crawl on the floor or hide yourself forever on it because of the shame that was pouring against you.

You wanted to apologize with them. Ofcourse, before apologizing you wanted to eat first.

Food is life, afterall.

The Kakushi arrived when you are reflecting earlier bringing you a different kinds of dishes.

The sight that you gave to them was you rolling on the floor like nobody business and just whimpering some incoherent words that they didn't understand. You are a foreigner for a reason.

They cowered in fear from your action. Earlier, you just kick some rocks to the Hashira, Wind Hashira to be exact.

The news suddenly spread too quickly that even the Hashiras overheard it after their meetings towards the slayer that was send in the Natagumo Mountain.

Sanemi Shinazugawa was clearly pissed. He wanted to know the name of the person who spread the story. He will kill them with no mercy of course.

Uzui just shake it off while laughing to himself and muttering some words like. "What a flamboyant girl!"

Shinobu and Mitsuri was giggling when they overheard it. The former was just really wanted to tease the Wind Hashira.

The action that the girl earlier from the trial was unthinkable and unexpected at all. Even Oyakata-sama didn't see that coming.

Who would have guts to hurt or exactly kick them on their private part? No one beside from you.

Since her mission is bound to happen at night, Shinobu wanted to talk to the girl from the trial earlier just a little so she sneak out from the Hashiras who didn't notice her because of her height or her body at all.

There are really some advantages of being small.

She run off to the destination of the Mist Hashira estate. Giggling and thinking of ways how she will talk to the young woman.

If she remember her face. She look up at the age of 16 or older than it. nevertheless, she's sure they will be close because of their age.

Shinobu Kocho was really enthralled on the sight that was given to her earlier. She likes the way you protect your friends and your face while you are talking.

Shinobu Kocho wanted to meet you again to talk to you. Perhaps, if there was a chance, she wanted both of you to be close.


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