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All of you started to head on your destination with Zenitsu continuation of his whining. He continue to mutter that he wouldn't make it. You remembered it from the anime.

As the three of you started to walk, you tried your best to calm him down by rubbing his back to try to soothing him. He seems to be calm down by it and he smiles at you and then he loudly shouts.

"Thank you, [Name]-chan!" You giggle towards his passionate statement and you smile at him and pat his head. He seems to be frozen up by this until he started to jump around the area while shouting some words you can't understand.

Tanjiro huffed and pull Zenitsu beside him. He didn't like it at all! Zenitsu is being rude towards you. What if you're not comfortable with Zenitsu's presence or the way he acts, right? But your scent tells him otherwise.

You chuckle towards Tanjiro's behavior and you pat his head too. Making him grin and turning his head towards you. You only smiled at him.

Finally, after many hours of walking, you finally reach the house where you all should be going. You remembered that this was called as "Tsuzumi Mansion." You just sighed when you look at the house. It was big than you expected and it looks old.

You look around, you remembered that there are going to be two kids looking scared for their lives because their brother got taken away by the ex lower moon demon. If you were in their situation, you would get scared too! You will freak out, honestly. You forgot the name of the demon since you mostly skip that part because your friend spoiled you that Inosuke will made his appearance on that episode. Shame on you.

After looking for a while, you already saw the two kids, shaking in fear. You walk over to Tanjiro and Zentsu who is now looking more scared than earlier. You tap Tanjiro's shoulder and he looked at you and smile.

You pointed your finger to the two kids.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Tanjiro started to walk towards the children who are still scared. Tanjiro quickly notice this so he bowed down to meet their gaze.

"Okay wanna see something cool?" He ask while smiling. He then, show his palm with Zenitsu's sparrow.

"Ta-da! It's a tame sparrow!" You really admire how they can act naturally like that.

The sparrow started to make some noises and cute things just to reassure the children that we mean no harm towards them nor I'll intention.

"Isn't he cute?" Tanjiro asked once more, the children let out a sighed and they both sat down, maybe because they can finally take a breath after a many hours.

"Please tell me, did something happened? Is this your house?" They both quickly shakes their heads.

"No! This is a monster's house. Our big brother got taken away. When we are walking down the road at night, this monster we have never seen before, showed up. It didn't give us a glance. Just our brother." You sighed. You don't understand what they are saying but it looks like they are explaining the situation.

You turn your gaze towards Zenitsu who is now shaking in fear.

"And they went inside that house, right?" You're not really now paying attention to the both of them because you are worried on Zenitsu. You wanted to ask him if he's okay or is there something that caught his attention? You know that he has a heightened sense of hearing but you didn't know if he heard any. Is there anything that is bothering him?

You tried to recollect your memories on what should be happening right now. You already forgot the events that should be happening on this time because it's been way too long since you have watch this episode. You even skip this part because you are not really interested to the fights. Now, you really regret for not paying attention on that.

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