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You caught Tanjiro limping and having a hard time to walk. You wanted to ask to him if he can still walk. You know that he's still hurting from his injuries that he sustain from his fight with Susumaru and the other demon.

Should you heal him? If you do that, you will eventually run the plot. You can't just do it. Especially if his injuries is one of the reason why he won on the fight with the drum demon.

Is this part when we will going to meet Zenitsu? If you remembered correctly, he was clinging on a girl. Begging to the girl to marry him so he can get to experience to have a lover before he dies from a mission.

You just sighed and watched him struggling. Even if you don't wanted to heal him, you still feel guilty about it. That's why, you hold his hand as if you're helping him to walk. He smiled at your gestures and hold your hand not too firmly but enough to lean on.

"It's fine, (Y/N)! I'm fine at all. You don't need to worry." He quickly assured you but only taking a gulp when he realize that you can't understand what he's saying.

His rough and calloused hand met with your soft hand which made him blush furiously. Is it really okay for you to hold someone's hand even if it is rough?

You don't really mind his hand because you know he already experience a lot. So if you feel anything while holding is hand, it was adoration.

"South-Southeast! Your next location is South-Southeast!" The crow shouted at him, annoyingly. You just playfully rolled your eyes on the crow and looked away from the sight.

"I heard! I get it already so give me a break and quiet down!" The crow didn't even listen and lean down on him more.

"I'm begging you. I heard the message, so please!" The crow squeaks and drop on your shoulder. You didn't do anything. As long as he's not trying to do anything, you're not going to shoo him away.

You both shivered down when you heard a shouted. You expected it already but you still tremble on how loud Zenitsu on this scene really is.

"Please! Please! Please! Please marry me! I could die any time, you know? That's why I want you to marry me so please I'm begging you!" You just sighed at what you see. His desperately clinging on a girl. If he's in your world, he can be charged because of sexual harassment.

The girl really looked scared and you can clearly see that she doesn't wanted to be married with Zenitsu.

"W-what's up with that? What on Earth?" Tanjiro really look clueless on it. You too, if you didn't watch demon Slayer and have no knowledge on what they are saying. Thanks for the knowledge that you have.

The sparrow started to fly towards Tanjiro and Tanjiro let go of your hand that is holding with yours and he open his palm as if reaching out to the sparrow to land on it, and it works. You read on data book that he can talk to animals. He's just having a hard time towards insect. So you know that his way of communicating with Zenitsu's sparrow is just because of his pure talent and nothing else.

The sparrow started to speak and pointed to Zenitsu, as if acting the action on what happened on his owner. You didn't really understand what he's initiating but Tanjiro looks like he understand it very well. He's also nodding.

"I'm begging you, there's no else besides you!" Zenitsu continue to shouted loudly towards the girl. While the girl has been trying to pull him off against her.

You felt bad towards the girl but also felt bad at Zenitsu. You know that even if he's strong. His grandpa just force him to be a demon Slayer although he loves his grandpa, it is still against his own will.

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