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You flinch at the sight of yourself while staring at the water. Infront of you was your reflection that you can clearly see at the water.

You look pale. Your complexion isn't really good and you felt sick. Earlier, you clear up your stories towards the trio. Of course, you didn't tell them about you being in another universe. You just apologize and made up a reason why you didn't come and socialize with them.

Since they are really pure kind hearted boys, Tanjiro just smiled at you and ruffles your hair and Inosuke just challenge you to fight with him since you manage to kill an Lower Moon.

It's weird because you didn't really feel frightened or scared while you slice Rui's head. In fact, you feel relieved and happy. Maybe because Rui already gone up to meet his parents who are waiting for him.

However, that's still kind of unsettle. You're sure it was your first time but you didn't feel fear or anything. Maybe because you already watch too much anime that includes gore.

Anyways, Tanjiro and Zenitsu didn't smell lies through your statement. You didn't know if they did and just cover it up but it didn't look like it. It felt like they didn't. That only prove your point, you're a absolute good at lying.

Shinobu arrange your room with Nezuko where sun doesn't shine because it was cover with curtain. She gave your things that is pack in your bag personally. You were shocked but you felt happy.

It was already two weeks since it happen. Shinobu is watching Tanjiro currently training. While the Inosuke and Zenitsu didn't have any courage to do their training because they are being beaten up by Kanao.

"[Name]-san, how are you feeling?" Shinobu called you at the distance. In just a blink, she's already beside you while smiling happily at your appearance. You gulp for the sudden interaction, you tried to smile and look at her.

In just mere two weeks, you have already learn how to speak in Japanese or rather than that, you learn to speak or respond when they ask something that can be answered easily.

"I am fine now, thank you, Kocho-san." You smiled at her and tried to straighten your back. You didn't participate on their Rehabilitation Training because you are not injured. You just gain some wounds and scratch.

"Ara, you can just call me Shinobu." Huh? Did she just say that she wanted you to call her Shinobu? Shinobu led you to the engawa and sat on it.

Now, there are only two of you sitting on it. While you can still hear Tanjiro from the distance shouting about he can do it.

"Okay, Thank you, Shinobu-san." You stuttered your pronouncation on her name. She just laugh at you and started to stared at you.

"You know, I heard that you eliminate the Lower Moon without receiving a proper training. I really admire you for that. Also, I heard that you embrace the demon after you slice him. I admire you for your kindness. I think you might be the key for the future." That's a long speech but huh? What did she say about key? Did you hear that right?

"Key?" You asked, unsure on it.

"Yes, I think you can be the key for being friends with the demon."



"Hngg.." because of how shocked you are, you only respond a nonsense sound.

"Hehehe, I believe that you can fix the relationship between us, humans and demons, [Name]-san." You can't help but to frown at that.

"What are you implying, Shinobu-san? I think that's kind of impossible." The situation suddenly tense up. You started to feel uncomfortable.

"Rather than that, are you angry, Shinobu-san?" You asked her, the question that Tanjiro should have ask rather than her but even though that she always put a facade through her smile. You can always know that she's mad.

She look like she have been shaken up by after a while, her expression show a troubled and sad expression. She started to tell you the story about how her sister die towards the hands of the demon.

To be honest, you felt pitiful for her for having that but you feel unsettle and uncomfortable when she's talking to you about it.

It was uncomfortable that a sweat roll down on your forehead.

"That's why, I have been angry for so long now, [Name]-san. I am really mad right now." You pat her back and you look at her with a troubled expression.

"I don't really know how to respond on it but I'm sure that if your family are watching you. They wanted you to just show your true self towards other people you have been interact of. After all, families only wanted happiness for their love ones, right?" You show a smiled towards her.

You didn't know why but her shoulders seems to be shaken up and her head is low down. Is she mad at you?

You just awkwardly rubbed her back. Trying to ease her madness. After a while, she stared at you with tears on the side of her face and smiled at you.

"Thank you, [Name]-san. That words absolutely made me happy." You nodded at her and stand up on your seat. She look at you, confusedly.

"Shinobu-san, I have something important that I need to tell to Oyakata-sama."

(A/N: sorry for a short and late update. To be honest, I'm losing my interest towards the anime and this book that's why I am having a hard time updating. You know the feeling when you have plot on the book but you just feel unmotivated? That's it. Nevertheless, I will still update and finish this book.)

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