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Stress is only an understatement on what you're truly feeling right now. First, you were on restaurant with your friends then suddenly a bus bumped into the three of you. You didn't even have the time to react.

Second, you were here in Japan! You didn't know how did you even get here at the first place. It was similar when you suddenly overthrow in another country that you have no knowledge at all.

Third, you have been walking for three or more hours right now. You didn't even know that you have the capability to walk in such a long time. You didn't know how, maybe because your adrenaline rush in.

Fourth, you met someone who can speak English aside from you but this boy who is wearing a checkered haori with a box on his back interrupted you and proceed to act like he's going to kill the man whom you have talked to, Muzan. By the look of your face earlier, you already know that it contained a horrified expression.

Now, when you started to analyze the information that you are trying not to think earlier because you are scared to take the presumption.

You are scared to clarified that the boy who is with you right now might be Kamado Tanjiro from Demon Slayer.

You refuse to acknowledge that there is really a high chance that this is Tanjiro Kamado and the one who is accompanying him is his demon sister, Nezuko Kamado.

The woman and man earlier also have similar features to Tamayo and Yuishiro. Not that similar features, it seems like they are Tamayo and Yuishiro in flesh. Lastly, now you let that sink in, the one whom you are having a conversation with earlier named Muzan, might be the Demon King! No, not might. He is the Demon King and you even try to protect him to Tanjiro when infact, he can kill all of the people who gathered in the place earlier, including you and Tanjiro.

Relieve suddenly wash against your being. You're satisfied with your decision to decline to come with Muzan. You didn't know what will happen to you if you ever agree on his suggestion.

It sends shiver on your spine when you remember the content of your conversation against him. He asked you if what did you think about his appearance. You remembered on the Anime that he asked a woman on what did she think about his appearance if he was sickly or not. You anxiously hold your dominant hand into your non dominant hand. Why did he even question you like that? Was he after you?

Is there any actually reason why you are existing in their world right now? Are you dreaming right now or is it really actually real and somehow you are now ruining the plot of the manga?

Since you forgot that there are people with you right now because of your anxious demeanor. You accidentally slap yourself. Hard. With this, the attention of Tanjiro suddenly focus on you. Why did you slap your face that hard? Do you have any problem? He stopped eating after you slap your face.

Earlier, he asked if you wanted to eat together with him but you refuse even if you are deadly hungry right now because you are panicking. You didn't have the appetite to eat in such a time like this.

"Are you okay? Why did you slap yourself?!" You turned you gaze at him. The look on his face is enough to tell you that he is worried about your state right now.

You did an okay sign at him just to try to comfort him that you are fine and there's nothing to be worried about.

But you know that he is not having any of your lies. You can literally smell that you're panicking and you are frightened but with what? With whom?

Are you frightened about what happened earlier? If you happened to be foreigner and Traveller most likely, it's normal for you to panic and scared.

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