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"Zenitsu, what do you mean by that? I know that [Name]-san isn't a demon but..." Tanjiro stutters the last word. He didn't find any other words to explain the pelicular things you did earlier.

The room is surprisingly quiet. Not even the supposed to be the mad lad, Inosuke Hashibira who's always shouting, he is now sitting in a corner listening to the conversation. Although he did not saw what happened earlier but by just hearing what the two are talking about. He knows that there are something.

Not even the Zenitsu who is always complaining about fighting demons and always crying and saying that he will die on the mission, saying anything.

Not even Tanjiro who is laughing at their antics and not even Nezuko humming. It just only a dead silence.

Tanjiro is sure that you're human. However, your scents feels too different from them. It was out of the world and for the first time on his life, he was having a hard time knowing someone's emotion. He only smell your emotion when the first time he met you and when all of you are coming here. It was upsetting. He can't communicate with you then he can't even know what you're feeling.

Zenitsu who have a good sense of hearing that he can even know the difference between the sound that demons and humans are making. It was also for the first time on his life he was confuse whenever you're a demon or you're a human. It doesn't just sit right with him. How can you be a demon when the sounds you're making is a sound of a human? But also, how can you be human when you heal those injuries that could make the boy earlier die?

There's nothing explanation on it. He's sure that he's not hallucinating or dreaming. Then why? Are you hiding a secret towards them?

Inosuke who have good sense of awareness can't identify if you're a demon and human. He can even pinpoint the location of a demon if he plunges his swords on the ground then why he was having a hard time to identify who you are? The great Inosuke Hashibira can't accept that!

"Is she hiding something towards us?" Zenitsu muttered quietly, breaking the silence that occupy the trio as there are no one who dared to speak.

"She can't. Remember that she can't speak in Japanese, right? There's no way we could communicate on each other." Tanjiro explained, trying to prove the point that you have a reason for not telling them that you have those kind of abilities. Even though, there are a chance that you could say it to him when you are staying in Tamayo house.

Is this what Tamayo meant by I should be careful?

The two boys look at him, now they didn't know how to respond on that because they also didn't have any idea how to explain what they saw earlier.


This day is definitely not your day right now. You are still drain for saving the boy earlier and it looks like it's not coming back soon. That's why Hisa asked you to stay on the room that she provided rather than you going outside too.

She even prepared a food just for you! Just how awesome and kind she is. Despite the fact that she didn't know you nor part of demon slayer corps. She still care for you and even let you have a room for your own.

You hear someone's knocking on the door that you think was called, Shoji.

You slide the door and Hisa came at you bringing you different foods which you thought is Japanese food.
Bringing also with her is spoon and fork that you will be crying right now for her hospitality. She... She was so kind! You might even tear up because of it. You thank her furiously and even bow your head too low.

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