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(A/N: after this chapter, please read the author's note below, it's an important announcement.)


It's been already hours since they already left you behind here. Even though you know they will turn out to be alright. Your hand is still shaking and your thoughts is filled with anxiety.

It really just can't be help. You see their hardships and challenges they will be having in the near future and in the demon, Rui.

"You seem quite scared, aren't you?" You quickly see the sight of Hisa sitting. You sighed and nodded your head.

"Yeah, I am worried about them." You honestly answered. There's no point of lying between her and it's not that you wanted to lie.

"Then, do you wanted to come with them? But please do consider that your life might be at stake if you ever decided to go after them. I do not really recommend you coming but the time that I observe you since they left you, you seem to be really worried at shaking. If it would make you to be atleast relief, then I will let you go." You smiled, thanking her and proceeding on your room to prepare.

There are no time to be scared on the demons. It will turn out to be alright, right? It will always been. You know that the two Hashiras will come by the right them to save Tanjiro. You are really worried about Inosuke and the rest.

You quickly pack the things that you have. It's not that you have too many. You decided to wear your school uniform because it was already washed and you are more comfortable wearing this than a kimono. You can even barely move in a kimono! Thanks for Hisa kindness.

You started to head your way towards Hisa and bow your head as low that it reach the ground.

"Thank you so much for letting me in despite me being not a member of demon slayer corps! I am truly thankful and I can't know how can I repay you. If we ever see each other again, I will do my best to repay you. Thank you!"

You didn't let her respond on your message as you quickly run ahead of your destination. The trees with the leaves on it are dancing along with the wind that makes the day unsettling. It makes you uncomfortable more because of the way you're heading. The only thing that can be heard is your footsteps and the chirp of a bird that was gone a while ago.

Also, the stars and the moon are the only thing that keeps you see the way you are going. There's no even light in the houses and not only that, the houses is really far from one another so it was really rarely or no, you can't really see anyone going in your way. Maybe they are already asleep or something horrible happen to them. No, you can't stop now.

You keep on running until you reach the destination you need. The Mount Natagumo, where the family of spider demons are currently living. You didn't really care about them.

They will die in this night and you need to make sure of that. You enter the forest without hesitation. Honestly your mind isn't really going right for now. In the past few days, you realize that you don't wanted to go here but here you are, running like a lost child on the forest.

It's unfortunate and really someone as stupid as you would do but there's no backing up for now. You were horrified to see the scenes atleast.

Why are they alive....?

You remember them! They are the one who died in Natagumo Mountain. You remember that the Mother of spider demons killed them by snapping their neck.

"Please run! I might hurt you. Please! I don't wanted to hurt any more demon slayers!" She plead, crying as she started to raise her sword to attempt to cut you. You quickly move out of the way. You already watch the anime so you know that the threads are controlling them behind their back.

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