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"(Y/N)-san, we will start our trial towards you now." Huh? Ubuyashiki muttered as he turn towards you.

What did he say? You didn't understand any of it! What are you going to do? Also, why did he know your direction?

You anxiously glance towards him, while you're still laying on the ground. You tried to sit up but alas, no luck because your hands are tied up.

"Hey! Answer Oyakata-sama!" Sanemi groaned at your lack of responses. You can clearly heard that he was pissed by the sound of his voice.

"I d-don't understand w-what you are saying. S-sorry." You quietly muttered. Not trying to offend anyone in the trial.

"I apologize for forgetting that you can't speak Japanese." You immediately raise your head to glance at him. To say that you're stunned is an understatement.

The only one you met that can speak English is the lady on Wisteria House and it's understable for her since there are also foreigner that are visiting on their house but Ubuyashiki? That's kinda suspicious. Also, you cursed earlier right... You only hope that he didn't pay attention on what did you say earlier because if he did, you just wanted to commit suicide right here.

"It's fine but I'm really uncomfortable on my state right now. I'm tied up." You tried to sit up again but you still can't do it. Ah, why you didn't excercises push up when you are on your world?!

"I apologize for making you uncomfortable. Kyojuro, untie her, would you?" Ah, why did he mention KYOJURO?!?! What did he say? You didn't catch up on it.

"It would be my pleasure, Oyakata-sama!" Kyojuro proceed to stand up and made his way towards you. You didn't know why! Why is he looking at you? You are nervous, you are shaking. He's really tall when he is close.

He sit up and start to grab both of your shoulder to pull you for you to stand up. You suddenly face his chest and wow he smell nice. You quickly felt hot all of the sudden because of the interaction that you both experience.

He started to untie you while he is staring at you. His wide eye that are not blinking glance at your appearance.

You cannot handle the eye contact that's why you fix your gaze towards your shoes as if they are the most interesting thing that you have ever seen. You forgot that you are still wearing your uniform which also consist of skirt! You are thankful that you always wear short underneath.

You glimpse at the man that is still untying the rope on your hand. He is still staring at you. His fix smile is still on his face. You gasped at how close the both of your face are. If you even try to lean closer, for sure your nose will bump into each other!

"Done." You were stop from thinking when you hear his deep voice. Unlike earlier, his voice is somehow soft and not too much loud.

"Thank you." You muttered the one of the few and Japanese words that you learned before going into this world.

He nodded before hurriedly walking back to his position without taking a glimpse of you.

"You already know why you are here right? We wanted to ask you about why Muzan is chasing you and your incredible powers despite not having to know about breathing technique and proper training." Ubuyashiki continued his speech after Kyojuro freed you from the rope on both of your hands.

It's still hard to catch a breath but it was now more better than earlier since there are no immense pain on your wrist. You gulped before answering him. Ofcourse, if you are going to sacrifice your life by saving Tanjiro, you know that there's a possibility that you might be taken to Ubuyashiki estate. You already knew what you will say. However, you have no intention to lie. Not in front of Tengen who might know what you are thinking right now. Not in front of Sanemi and Obanai who might have intention to kill you and not in front of Giyuu who saw what happened in the mountain.

"First, I didn't know why Muzan is chasing me. I didn't even know that he was a big time here, I only asked for direction since I was really lost and i don't have any place to go. He kindly offered to hel--" you didn't have a chance to continue what you will say when Ubuyashiki interrupt you.

"Kindly? You sure have pelicular words, (Y/N)." You quickly regret what you have said! Why did you really need to put the word kindly on it. Urgh! Way to go, (Y/N)!

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what he did towards all of you but he really did offered to help me to have a place to stay in and since he was the only one who can speak in English when I first came here." You lie on the part that you didn't know what he did. Ofcourse you know! He killed a lot of humans as well as demons. You also know that he's a merciless and have no conscience. Ubuyashiki continued to smiled as he hummed in your response.

"Hmmm, he might need something from you. How about the demon you killed? He's a lower moon 5, only the Hashira or rank kinoe can kill a twelve kizuki. May I ask how did you do that?" The Hashiras can only watch the two of you exchanging conversation since they didn't understand any of it. The only thing they can do is to not speak and to be silent. They didn't wanted to interrupt the conversation of the both of you out of respect towards Oyakata-sama.

"About that, to be honest, I really didn't know how I did it. It might because of adrenaline rush. I only wanted to save both Kamado." The reason you have now is surely sounded fake. Even Sanemi is now growling at you and starting to ready to unsheathed his sword at any moment. You are no doubt, sounded lying. However....

"Is that so? Then, I believe you. I will only talk to my children, if it is fine with you." Ubuyashiki who is unfazed on what's happening to Sanemi, smile as he turned his attention towards the Hashiras.

"My children, (Y/N)-san explained on why Muzan was chasing her. However, she also didn't know but we can use it as a weapon so Muzan might come to us at any moment since we have (Y/N). I'm sure he's desperate since he won't really give any attention to humans. This is the first time if not, then the second time that he was interested to someone. I hope you will understand my suggestion, my children." After Ubuyashiki explanation. The atmosphere become quiet again and the only thing you can heard was the sound of wind and breaths.

Unknowingly, they all nodded their heads as if to accept what did Ubuyashiki said. No one dared to say anything against him.

"(Y/N)-san, would you like to join the demon hunters starting from now?" Ubuyashiki turned his attention back to you. You can't really decline on this.

"Please give me a time to think, first." Ubuyashiki quickly agreed on you, still smiling.

"Now, the trial is already done. You can now step back." Having it as a cue to go, you nodded your head. It seems like Ubuyashiki translated it to the Hashiras so they can now begin their meetings.

"Then, (Y/N)-san is going to stay on my estate to heal if she has any injuries." Shinobu proceed to speak up, you secretly smiled at it, you know that she's going to let you stay on her estate. However, something unexpected happens.

"No, she's going to stay at my estate." Muichiro said, firmly while looking at Shinobu. Shinobu smiled while you can see the irked on her forehead.

"Why? Can you heal if she has any injuries, Tokito-san?" Shinobu question, still having a smile written on her face. You and the Hashiras together with Ubuyashiki can only watch in silence on what they are arguing about. You can't understand any of it! Is Muichiro didn't really like you because you interrupted what he's thinking earlier and he wanted to just let you stay on the outside without having a house to sleep? That was rude!

"I will let the Kakushi do their jobs since that's the only job they have. Now, carry (Y/N) to my estate." Muichiro didn't let Shinobu to speak again as the Kakushi was now on your side. You quickly jump to let them carry you. You didn't know which estate you are going to stay in but as long as you have a place to sleep, then that would be fine.



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