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You were awaken when you feel uncomfortable on how you are lying down despite the fact that your head is laying on something soft. You slowly open your eyes and observe at your surroundings. Feeling uncertainty if you should cautious on the place you are in.

You look up and see a young girl. You hissed in pain and you put your hand on your head. You're laying on this girl's lap.

You remembered that this is Shoichi younger sister, who is Teruko. You tried to sit up from laying down and she quickly help you.

"Tanjiro-san, (Y/N)-san is already awake!" You heard her shout calling for Tanjiro but you didn't know why.

You catch Tanjiro running up towards  your place and check if you have any wounds that needs to be treated. He sighed when he saw that you're fine except from the side of your cheeks which is red from the kick that Inosuke gave to you.

Worried can see on the reflection of his eyes. You did not know why he was so worried. Is he worried for Zenitsu?

"Are you okay?" You heard Tanjiro asked. It is probably question to you since he's looking at you. You understand the phrases he said since you watched anime enough to have some knowledge on some Japanese words.

You search on your mind on what to reply that would make him happy. You certainly know what to reply on it since you always heard it from anime.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot that you didn't under--" Tanjiro didn't have the time to continue his statement when you cut him of.

"Yes, t-thank you." You reply quietly on him. He seems to be startled at the way on how you tried to communicate with him.

You carefully sit up and analyze your surroundings. Inosuke is still sleeping on the side away from you. He had some bubbles on his mouth.

You touch the side of your face only to hissed, it was painful but you can manage. You glance at your bag and carefully look at the handkerchief on your bag.

Tanjiro glance at you worriedly. Is there something wrong? You tired to stand up. Tanjiro gasp at you and help you to stand up.

You smiled at him and muttered a small "Thank you." Before proceeding to walk.

Only Tanjiro's haori is in Inosuke head and Inosuke upper body was completely exposed so you can clearly see his upper body. Zenitsu suppose to put his haori on Inosuke, too, right?

You sit up on Inosuke side. You hissed again when you did because there are some wounds on your legs and your energy still drains. You carefully wipe the foam on his lips. There aren't really some so it was easy for you to do it.

You sighed after you finish wiping the foam from Inosuke's lips. Both of the boys are looking at you. You are not sure but Zenitsu had the expression of displeasure.

You stand up again to walk on Zenitsu. He smile when he saw you coming from his direction.

"Haori. Your haori, I need it." You pull his haori more to emphasize it. He quickly gets what you're trying to do so without a second thoughts. He handed you his haori. You nodded your head and thank him.

"Thank you." You smiled at him and quickly gets back to Inosuke and again, carefully put down the haori.

As you put down Zenitsu haori on Inosuke's body. Your eyes widen when he open his eyes. Your eyes met his green pair eyes. No one dares to move until he realize what's happening.

You started to run away when he started to shouts. "Fight me! Fight me!" The moment you knew you're done. You quickly ran away from him as he started to chase you. You hide in Tanjiro's back while he spread his arms as he acts like he's going to protect you from Inosuke.

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