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So.. I edited the story and change the character of [Name] as well. So if you wanted to continue reading this book, I HIGHLY SUGGESTED that you should read from the start again. I edited a lot and make [Name] less unlikable. I'm sorry for not asking all of you first before editing it.


Ah.. you're really unlucky in this world, no?

"A human... in this forest." Kokushibou whispered, quietly. The only reason why did you hear what he said is because the place is quiet right now.

"Ah! Don't kill me! I ate a lot of unhealthy foods such as junk foods and snacks so my body sucks! It's not tasty!" You quickly defend yourself, wishing that he will spare your life.

He just stare at you, quietly. You didn't know if you will stare at him back so the two of you will have staring session or you will run away from him but you know it was impossible. You have no way on running against a century demon like him! The gap between the both of you is huge.

Not only that, you're really tired from running from the dog that are trying to chase you, earlier. If you're not going to die on the dog, you're going to die on a demon? Just how unlucky you must be right now.

"Did you know I'm scared of spiders?" You attempt to open a conversation to a man like him, not knowing what to say on the silence that are surrounding against the two of you.

"Spiders has 8 eyes, kid." You gulp at his answers. Oh? You didn't know that spiders has eight eyes. You thought there are only six eyes there.

"Really? Wow! You're knowledgeable. I didn't know that, I will make sure next time to observe their looks to know that they have eight eyes! Thanks for telling me!" You shouted with excitement in your voice.

You just learned a new lesson towards a demon! You will surely use it on the future to ask (BF/N) about it then if he got the correct answer, you will ask him to treat you a lunch.

"You're welcome..." After that, there are silence again that emitting to the place. You continue to stare at him and he continue to stare at you two.

Not until he started to unsheathed his sword and that's when you realize that you're going to die if you didn't do anything. You panicked at the sight of this.

The sounds of dog barking caught the attention of the both of you and stop your tracks as well as Kokushibou. You both glance at the dog that is chasing you earlier. Your breath stop when you see Kokushibou attempting on drawing his sword towards the dog.

Ah! Of course, you hate dogs because they are always chasing you but it's not like you wanted them to be killed! Not at all.

Unable to grasp the situation and to do anything, you quickly hug Kokushibou who suddenly froze from his attempt on attacking the poor dog.

"You don't need to result into killing! He... He just wanted to play, right?! Right?!" You are now wishing that the dog will agree on your terms in which surprisingly, he did.

Barking at you then starting to run on your direction. The constant reaction that the dog did made you hug Kokushibou behind because of your fear on dogs. Still, making sure that you also hug his arms to prevent him from moving to kill the dog.

The dog is now sitting while his tongue is showing and his tails are wagging as if to show that he wanted to be pet.

"See.. hahaha! He wanted you to pet him! Try it!" You also try to laugh at your statement. Because of the situation you are in right now, you didn't know how to speak and think completely.

All that you know is how to escape from this demon's grasp or how you will escape while you are holding him.

"How can I.... Pet him when... You're hugging me?" Because of your fear towards dogs and him, also. You didn't realize that he was already speaking in English. However, you have no intention on letting him go. Not when he is still ready to unsheathed his sword anytime soon.

"Well, you might even try to slash the dog! I don't know! You're unsheathing your sword!" You can't help but to shouted. You're scared that your legs are shaking from the situation.

Even your face is now pale because of it. You didn't have any chance to win against this guy. You will have if your speed can par on him but that's not the case.

You just used your freezing ice earlier on Rui. You can't use it anymore because it only allows you to use it once a day. Also, because of using it, your energy drains.

"I... Will... Not." You hesitantly let him go. Unsure of your action.

His moves is too slow that you even think that there are also can fight on his speaking.

He started to pet the dog. Not exactly petting him, more like just touching it but the dog seems to enjoy the interaction and the attention that the demon is giving and even happily letting him pat his head.

How bias! Why did he chase you earlier and now! Letting a six eyes demon petting him?! What did you do to make him hate you?

"Wow! Look he likes you!" You shouted and even slam your hand towards his arm while giggling.

You can't just believe that the dog have different taste towards their biases. Maybe that's why dogs didn't like you because you're human.

Kokushibou glance at you and he stop petting the dog. Making you gulp and state at him again.

Why did you do that...

You're no buddies.

"Ah, sorry! Dogs really just hate me and this is the first time that they didn't chase me." You quickly apologize while bowing your head many times.

"It's... okay..." You take a glimpse on him again and smiled at him. You just realized it now but he's towering you.

Just like the speed that you two have, the height between you two is also huge.

"Hehe, I'm actually lost right now. I didn't know where should I go to go out on this forest. Well, if it is not too much trouble.... can you tell me the direction how to get out on the forest?" You smiled widely while clapping your hands together.

The dog is now forgotten, but he seems to still waiting for any attention to the demon.

"Go right.... Then straight.. you will find the exit of .... the forest." He muttered, quietly. You nodded furiously at him and again, thanking him for his kind action.

"Okay! I will be heading out now." You tired to move silently, not letting the dog know that you are going now but luck is not on your side right now.

He started to bark again and chase you like a madman he is. You shouted while running. It was fast! The dog is a runner, for sure! He must have chase a lot of people.


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