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Shinobu talked first to Oyakata-sama to tell him about what Tanjiro asked her earlier on Hinokami Kagura or whatsoever. You know it of course because of the plot and it was shown in the anime. It was unfortunate that Rengoku already leave for the mission.

If only you came with Shinobu last week then you would have met Rengoku laughing at Shinobu. The talk only takes up for a few minutes before Shinobu bowing her head and turn her head towards your direction.

"[Name]-san, it was your turn to talk to Oyakata-sama." Shinobu said softly while grasping your uniform from the side. Probably, trying to accompany you towards Oyakata-sama.

"Thank you, Shinobu. You can wait for her at the entrance. I think we need to talk about something important." Oyakata-sama return the smile as Shinobu started to leave.

"Now, we should begin our talk, should we?" Ubuyashiki smiled gracefully. You only nervously gulp. Is this right? Can you truly trust this man?

This man who sacrifice his wife alongside with his children? You're scared of him. To be honest, his voice never really brought you to a calm and strange feeling. You only feel scared, fear or shock. There's no other feeling such as positive things between him.

He can really manipulate every demon Slayer and they will all believe on him. What about you? You sighed as you close your eyes, readying yourself to speak.


"Did it go well?" Shinobu asked you, you nodded at her. You finally have some time to speak with the head of demon slayer but you're not entirely sure if it goes well.

Both of you started to walk towards the Butterfly estate. No one dares to talk. Of course, because even if she try to strike a conversation. You won't understand it well.

While you were staring at nothing, someone jump in front of the both of you. You stumble a few steps before glaring at the person who jumped towards you and Shinobu.

"Oh my! Iguro-san, what a pleasant surprise! Why are you here in front of both of us?" Shinobu smiled but you can really see an irked on her forehead.

"Kocho, why did you bring that girl to Oyakata-sama?" Obanai pointed his finger towards you.

"Oh my! Are you interested with [Name]-san? I could just tell that to her, you know!" You didn't know what they are talking about but you can really see that it was enough to irritated Obanai just seeing his irked forehead match with Shinobu's and his glared that pierced through me.

Ugh, I don't really feel good.

"Well! You don't need to worry about it, you know? Oyakataa-sama says it's fine and they already talk about it!" Shinobu place both of her hands on your shoulder. You nodded even if you didn't know what she's talking about.

"Just be careful, Kocho. We still didn't know why she's here and she might be affiliated with demons." Obanai replied in which Shinobu just smiled as a reply.

"I know what I am doing, Iguro-san. Then, we will be leaving now! [Name]-san, say your pleasantries with Iguro-san so we can leave now!" Shinobu signed that we will be going.

You bowed your head and muttered in a small tone. "Goodbye, Obanai-san." You nodded your head as a signed of acknowledgement to his presence.

Both of them just stared at you. One with stunned expression and the other one was laughing.

"Y-you...!!!" Obanai started walking towards you but Shinobu place herself in front of you.

"We need to remembered that she's a foreigner, Iguro-san! Then, we will be going ahead now!" Shinobu said while laughing.

She pulled you towards her and started running while carrying you. Wow, how did she manage to carry you? And you can't even see the scenery because of her speed in running. So this is the speed of Hashira huh.

After for almost ten minutes of dizziness, you finally arrived back at Butterfly Estate or rather, after carrying you.

Shinobu smiled at you and decided to leave because she needed to attend some important matters.

You just smiled and continue to walk. You walk in a corner and you bumped into someone with a hard chest. Wow, that's some kind of hard training.

You look up to see a mohawk hair with scar on his face. This boy... It's

"Genya-san?" You muttered, not sure if you pronounce it right. Genya stop on his tracks and stared at you before pushing you off and running towards to who knows where.

Why did he run?

Oh, you just say his first name when he didn't even know or recognize who you are! Well, it will be awkward when you will say Shinazugawa since you hate that person. Well not totally but you are kind of scared towards him.

Earlier, Obanai really look furious. Come to think of it, Shinobu called him as Iguro-san not Obanai-san. Is his first name is Obanai? You thought his first name is Iguro since it sounds more like it.

You decided you will never show your face in front of him again.

You spotted Kanao from the distance. You walk past her and she smiled at you in which you return. You both just sat in silence until she broke the silence.

"Is something's wrong?" You almost stop breathing when you heard her talking! Is she talking on you? But in the Manga, she never talk without using her coin, right? What's the development? Is Tanjirou already talk to Kanao? So there's already development about their relationship huh.

"It's nothing. Thank you!" You smiled at her and wave a goodbye. If they already talk that's means they are leaving?

You sighed, you wanted to come with them. Aside from saving Rengoku's life. You also wanted to ride a train again, atleast there's a thing that will remind you that you're from the modern world and not from here. You might also find some clues about how to get back on your world.


Next chapter will start of Mugen Train Arc.

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