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Once your conciousness have gone back, you already lying down on the floor. Observing the things around you, only to realize that you are alone in this room aside from the girl in Tokyo earlier. Are you in the basement? Your eyes widened upon realizing the situation.

The temari demon..!

Why did you fell asleep in such unnecessary and dangerous place? Your memories let you remember that there are two demons who came after Tanjiro because they wanted to put an end to him.

"You're awake. It's nice to know that. How are you feeling?" You glimpse the sight of Tamayo who smiled gracefully at you before asking you a question. Even Tamayo can speak English. I guess all demons have the capability to speak in other language.

You smiled at her and thank her for her kindness. She's really such a amazing and beautiful person in personal! Yeah, she looks pretty in the anime and the manga but to see her in flesh is something else that no one can experience in just sleeping or daydreaming!

"I am fine, thank you." You tried to atleast hold back your excitement towards her sudden appearance because you can already feel someone's presence glaring at your back. You didn't turn back, you already know the one who is glaring at you right now.

She nodded her head and turn towards Yuishiro who is continuously throwing a daggers through your sides.

Yuishiro only scoffed at you and turn his complete attention towards Tamayo. His smile is captivating but you didn't have the courage to say that and you didn't wanted to compliment him also.

You heard Tamayo ordered Yuishiro to call Tanjiro to go here so he can be rest assured that we are safe. Yuishiro completely obeys without a heartbeat. After a minute, you heard Tanjiro shouting probably asking where we are residing in which Yuishiro answered, out of his will maybe. Tamayo only said a few words and you saw that Yuishiro quickly nod his head.

What a simp.

You only sighed and observe at your surroundings. You still can't believe it. It seems like this is just your world with a bunch of cosplayers completely surrounding and dominating your existence. It just doesn't make any sense. Why are you here in Demon Slayer? Is this really real or your mind is just playing tricks with you? How can you be in a world where they don't even really exist in real world? They are just drawing and their action are based on the author's perception or wants.

You need to find a way to go out and get out of this place, quickly. You already meet Kibutsuji without even knowing or realizing it at the first place. There are a chance that he was to go after you as well.

From afar, you saw Tanjiro and Nezuko. Nezuko began running to you and start hugging you. You froze there. What should I do? Should I hug her back? You just pat her head and smile at her. She immediately melted in your pat and she hum happily.

Tanjiro watched from afar, smiling at the both of you. You both really look great and the thought that is currently circuiting around his mind is that if ever Nezuko has met you before transforming into a demon, there is a high chance that you both will get along so well.

"Tanjiro." Tamayo called to him, He look at her and smile in which Yuishiro groan at the sight of it.

"Does she know that your sister is a demon?" Tanjiro paused at what Yuishiro asked. Right, how could he forgot that he didn't tell you that his sister is a demon? Gulping down the saliva on his mouth for having suddenly asked for a question. He shakes his head and merely caught a glimpse of you and Nezuko patting each other's head.

"No. I don't wanted to scare her and I doubt that if she knows it, she will still stay with me." He really wanted to tell you, but what if he's going to do if you're going to stay away from him? He frowns at that. Of course, if he didn't know that existence of demon on this world and he met someone who are carrying a wooden box, with a demon with it. Even if he's kind and understanding, he will still have some doubt. He can't force you to stay with him but for some reason, even if he only met you a hour ago, he doesn't wanted to let you go.

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