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"Who the hell are you? Get out of the way!" You knew that this will be taking too long for your liking. You don't wanted Zenitsu to be beaten up by Inosuke but you're scared to interfere!

"I'm Agatsuma Zenitsu! I'm with the demon Slayer corps like you!" Inosuke let out a dramatic confuse sound while Zenitsu is still protecting the box.

"Then I shouldn't have tell you to get rid of that thing! Now get the hell out of my way." You absolutely look terrified because of the boar that Inosuke is wearing. It really looks real and not like in the anime that you have watched. You read from one of the site that Inosuke mask is came from the head of his boar mother.

"I'm not moving. This is Tanjiro--" Inosuke quickly cuts him off.

"Don't argue with me! In that case, I am going to demolish him and that box together." Okay, you really need to step in. You need to do something! You pull Shoichi away from the scene and hide him in the tree. You put your index finger on your mouth to sign to be quiet. He quickly nods and hide behind the tree.

"I said move it! Why you..." While they are speaking, you are looking for a rock to threw on Inosuke. Of course, just a small rock. Even if he's strong or a member of demon Slayer corps. You don't wanted to hurt him.

"Inside this box... Inside this box is something that I am not letting you to touch! Something precious to Tanjiro!" To be honest, you can't help but to admire Zenitsu in this scene. Zenitsu just met Tanjiro a while ago and he quickly notice that Tanjiro is traveling with a demon despite being a demon Slayer himself but he didn't try to pry on it and now, he is even protecting Nezuko whom he never met.

"Oh, hey hey come on! What are you talking about? There's a demon inside that box! Don't you get that?!" You know that Inosuke is starting to loss his patience to Zenitsu. You are just really waiting for the right time to threw the rock that you found.

"I've known that from the start! I am going to ask Tanjiro directly to myself.. so you can just back off!" Zenitsu said, determined that he can ask Tanjiro.

Inosuke started to beat Zenitsu. When Zenitsu already landed on the land. Inosuke proceed to raised his sword to cut the box but Zenitsu hug his knees.

"Let go of me, dammit! You're so annoying!" Inosuke throw Zenitsu far from him. Inosuke started to stand up again and you knew that's when you need to take action. You started to ran on their direction and throw the rock directly on Inosuke.

"Hah? Who are you and what are doing?" Inosuke suddenly looks on you. You know that he's really annoyed right now and you're fucked up.

"Stop doing that! Can't you just wait a little bit longer to wait for Tanjiro to arrive and confront him!" You shouted at Inosuke. Even though you know that he can't understand you. You still tried to communicated to him.

You're scared, you know that it is clearly can see through your eyes as well as your gestures. Your hands are shaking as well as your legs. Well, there are other reason why your legs are shaking. It was because your energy is still drain from saving the boy earlier who is still sleeping.

You notice that Inosuke is startled because he is not still moving. You thought that he is still deep in thoughts on what language are you speaking of. He might even think that you're using a alien language.

So you use that chance to run on the box and to get it. Inosuke who is quickly to adapt on what you are going to do. He tried to kick you off but you do it already before he did.

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