Chapter 48

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Y/n's POV

Since the first facetime call with Demi, we've been able to have much more calls with her throughout the last month of her stay.

Today's date is November 9th 2018. In other words, the day Demi is released from Rehab! Not to sound dramatic but I've been dreaming of this day since the moment Demi set foot into that place, and now in a few hours, I'll be able to hold my girl in my arms.

~Time 9:30am~

Even though we don't have to leave until midday, I decided to go for a shower and get ready now whilst everyone is still asleep. After I finished showering I change into one of Demi's graphic T-shirts and my favourite jeans.

 After I finished showering I change into one of Demi's graphic T-shirts and my favourite jeans

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(A/n not sure if I've ever described what Y/n looks like but I imagine her to look like this)

After I finished getting dressed I make my way down to the kitchen to make breakfast. As I walk past the living room, I notice Dianna sat on the couch watching TV. I smile at her when she looks at me and I walk towards the couch and sit down.

"Morning sweetheart"
"Morning Dianna, I thought no one was up yet" Dianna laughs at my comment,
"Y/n silly, I wake up at 6am every morning"
"I- how have I never realised that?"
"Maybe because you were so upset about missing Demi, that you would sleep in until 1pm"

We both laugh before I get up and walk to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal.

~Time 11:10am~

I finished eating and decided to watch TV with Dianna whilst we wait for everyone else to wake up, which didn't take long. Once everyone woke up they wasted no time and got dressed so we can pick up Demi on time.

"Guys who's driving?" Eddie asks
"I called Max to drive us today, Eddie" I replied

Eddie nods and the family wait in the living room for Max to arrive, while I go to my room and put my shoes on. I decided to touch up my makeup whilst I was in my room too. As I put some powder on my face, Dallas walks into the room.

"Hey how are you feeling?"
"Nervous as hell! I can't believe that in less than an hour I'm going to see my fiancé after months"
"I'm sure everything will be okay, try your best not to worry"
"Thanks Dallas"

Once I finished with the touch ups, I walk towards Dallas and give her a hug for comforting me. We break the hug and go back downstairs to join the others. I glance at my phone, that's in my hand, and check the time. 11:35. A few seconds later my phone starts to buzz, a text from Max pops up.

Max: Hey I'm parked out front.

"Guys he's here." I say gesturing towards the front door. We all walk outside and jump in the black SUV.

Around 30 minutes went by and we arrived to the Rehab Facility. I take a deep breath before getting out of the car. We walk inside the building and Dianna, Eddie and Max go to the front desk, whilst Dallas, Madison and I wait near the entrance. We keep ourselves occupied by telling each other random stories, when all of a sudden we hear two familiar voices. I look up to see the angel walking towards me with Colette beside her.

We make eye contact, I slowly start walking towards her, eventually we both run, knowing we look like idiots. Once we're close enough, I open my arms out and hug her tight, not wanting to let go.

"Hi baby girl" Demi whispers in my hair. I wanted to avoid crying today, but hearing her angelic voice in person after so long, I didn't get mad at the tears forming in my eyes.

After a few minutes we broke apart from our hug and the rest of the family walked towards us. Demi hugged them all and just when we were about to leave, I noticed Dallas and Colette talking.

A few minutes went by, Dallas came back and we all went back to Dianna's home. We walk into the living room and the dogs go mental seeing Demi after so long.

"Hi my loves!" She says as she crouches down to pet Batman and Ella.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out, watching Grey's Anatomy and catching Demi up with gossip over the last few months.

At around 6pm I went up to my room and began to pack my things. Dallas came upstairs to help me while everyone ate leftover pizza that we ordered.

"So earlier, I noticed you and Colette speaking.." I smirk
"Oh yeah.." She grins
"Anything you wanna say?" I ask giggling
"Alright fine! she asked me out to dinner." I squeal and hug Dallas.

We both laugh and talk about her upcoming date.

Once I finished packing, we go downstairs with my bags and Demi and I say our goodbyes.

I hug Dianna before leaving, "Thank you again for letting me stay here these past few months."

"You're welcome honey. You're always welcomed here!" I smile before myself and Demi leave with Max and the dogs.

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