Chapter 10

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Demi's POV
I meant it when I told y/n I loved getting to know her and I want to be together. I just hope she'll get over her fear that my lovatics or family won't like her because she is absolutely amazing!!

Once we finished working on my upcoming album I looked at y/n and asked her if she'd like to come to my place to chill.

"Yes of course Dems!" She replied smiling.

{skip to 9:30}

It's kinda late now, we've both been relaxing on the couch and watched a couple Disney movies (and of course Cinderella since she's my favourite princess!!) I looked over at y/n and noticed she could barely keep her eyes open so I picked her up and took her upstairs to my bedroom. I carefully laid her down on the bed and went in my closet to find something comfy for her to wear. I gave her an oversized T-shirt and shorts and she got changed.

I then went to get changed in my pjs and laid in the bed next to her. I could feel her coming closer to me so I cuddled her while she laid her head on my chest. We then closed our eyes and slept.

{The next morning}


I woke up and looked around with my eyes still groggy from tiredness. I couldn't recognise the room I was in until I heard a voice singing in the distance. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to see Demi singing and making breakfast. She looked so cute I couldn't help myself but laugh at her. I think I scared her because she stopped and jumped from shock then after realising it was me she laughed.

"Morning sleepy head!"

"Morning beautiful" Omg why did that just come out of my mouth?! I blushed from embarrassment and hid my face so Demi wouldn't see but I did a terrible job and she noticed and giggled.

"Don't worry haha. Come on I've just finished making breakfast so let's go eat!!"

We finished our food and we went to chill in the living room for a bit. We talked for a while getting to know each other some more.

"So do you sing?" Demi looked at me and asked

"Umm well I do but not well. I just like to sing in the shower sometimes"

Demi then begged me to sing for her pointing at the piano in the corner of the room, which she knew I know how to play.

I got up and sat at the stool in front of the piano and rolled my eyes at her which made her giggle. I then played some keys and started singing

Oh, tell me you love me
I need someone
On days like this, I do
On days like this
Oh, tell me you love me
I need someone
On days like this, I do
On days like this
Oh, can you hear my heart say?
(Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh)
You ain't nobody 'til you got somebody
You ain't nobody 'til you got somebody
My heart's like
(Ooh-ooh, oh, oh-ooh-ohh-ooh)
No, you ain't nobody 'til you got somebody
You ain't nobody 'til you got somebody

As I finished the song I look at Demi (who sat on the stool next to me) and her jaw dropped.

"Omg y/n!!! That was amazing!! Did you write that song?"

"Uhh yeah I just thought of it one day, actually I wrote it the day I met you."
As I said that I blushed again thinking of how embarrassing that is. Demi smiles from ear to ear and leans in closer to me and kisses my lips. I instantly kiss back and I smile into the kiss, knowing this could be the start to something amazing..

A/n I love this chapter💗 let me know what to write next xx

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