Chapter 53

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Date: Still December 23rd 2018

Y/n's POV
"M-mom?" I gasp.

I turn to Demi, confused at what's happening. She smiles and walks towards me.

"I brought her here so you can talk and so she's here for our wedding." She explains

As I try to grasp the situation, my mind goes back to the last time we were in the same room. All the yelling, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hi sweetheart.."

She walks towards me, a little hesitant. She attempts to hug me but I back away from her.

"Y/n?" Demi says, worry in her tone.
"Darling I'm sorry for everything I said. I was just scared and I didn't know how to respond to that kind of news." She explains.

I look at her with disgust.
"What do you mean you didn't know how to respond? I'm your DAUGHTER! You're supposed to LOVE ME and ACCEPT ME for being ME!" I yell.

I stop to take a deep breath before storming out of the room.

That woman had the audacity to walk into my house and act as if she didn't do anything wrong?! UGH

Demi's POV
I try to process what just happened.

"Allison I'm sorry. She's just a bit overwhelmed. I'll go talk to her."
"Don't worry about it, maybe I'll go find a hotel to stay in."
"Don't be silly! I'll talk to Y/n and smooth things over."
Allison sighs before nodding. I gesture for her to sit down while I go look for Y/n.

I leave the living room and look all over the house for her.
The kitchen, no.
The music room, no.
The bathrooms, no.
Bedrooms, no.

Where the hell is she?

I finally take a break from running around. I go out to the balcony, lo and behold, there she is. Sat on the ground looking at the view.

"Baby?" She jumps a little.
"Is she still here?"
"Well..yes I can't let her leave when she lives across the world."
She rolls her eyes.

I sit beside her, putting my arm on her shoulders. She rests her head on my shoulder so I rest mine on her head.

"Y/n try to hear her out. I wouldn't have brought her here if I didn't think she was worth it."
"I want to. I do. But when I look at her all I think back to is that night."

We stayed silent for a few minutes. I began thinking of ways that'll make Y/n agree with talking to her mom.

"You told me that you wanted Allison here, at our wedding. Well she's here now. All you need to do is talk to her."

She continued to stay silent, until..

"Fine. Only because you went through all that trouble."

I smile and help her up. We both go back down to the living room.

Once we make it to the living room, Y/n sits on the couch across from Allison.

"You have 5 minutes." She claims.

Allison then begins to explain to her daughter everything.

"I do love you and support you with anything and everything. When you told me it just surprised me because I didn't expect it. And I tried to get in touch with you but you changed your number and I didn't know where you mov-"
"You kicked me out." Y/n interrupts abruptly.
"I was drunk. I didn't know what I was saying. I passed out shortly after and when I woke up the next morning you were gone, along with all your stuff."

Y/n sighs. I sit beside her and try to comfort her. I look at her and notice tears forming in her eyes.

"I had no idea. I thought you were still sober."
"I relapsed a few months prior. I'm sober now though. Ever since you left I haven't picked up a bottle."

Y/n moves closer to Allison.

"Mom I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you earlier."
"Don't apologise sweetheart. But I'm sorry for not being supportive."

They both hug a for a few seconds before breaking apart.

Y/n looks towards me and smiles,
"Baby thank you for this." She sniffles
I giggle.
"You're welcome love."

I grab my phone from my pocket and check the time, 2:17pm. I ask Allison if she would like to meet my family, which she accepts, so I text my family group chat.

D: Hey guys Y/n's mom is in town. If you can come round to meet her!
Dallas: Oh yay! I'd love to :)
Dianna: Count me in!😊
Mads: I'll be there!!
Eddie: Can't wait!
D: Thanks guys💗

Shortly after, my family arrives and they all hit it off with Allison. Whilst the parents chat, Dallas, Madi, Y/n and I do a little more wedding planning. Dallas calls the dress designer to see if there's a dress available for Allison to wear that'll match with the others.

Later on, Y/n asks her mom to walk her down the aisle, which she gladly accepts.

The rest of the day we all planned some more as well as ordered some pizza and chilled.

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