Chapter 35

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Demi's POV
Today is the day my new single 'Sober' releases. And I would usually be really excited and I would be promoting it and counting down the days on social media with my fans but this time...I'm TERRIFIED. This single is the complete opposite of my last single which was sorry not sorry. This is more raw, emotional and just completely honest. I'm so nervous to see what the world says once they've found out I've relapsed after 6 years of sobriety.

I'm in the studio with the producers of the song making sure everything is perfect for the release which is in a few hours. "Alright D, everything seems okay so if you want you can go home now and come back later for the release or you can stay here and chill for a few hours." Stated one producer. I thought for a moment before answering. "I guess I could just stay here I have nothing else to do today anyway." I said shrugging. They nodded before talking amongst themselves. I went on my phone for a while, going through Twitter and Instagram before deciding to post the single cover on my Instagram.

@ddlovato: My truth...Today 8pm

I took a deep breath and hit post. I watched as all the comments flooded in, the majority were from my fans freaking out about a song they had no idea was being released, and others were from celebs and random people saying whatever shit. I turned off my phone and decided to take a nap on the couch in the studio so I was energised enough for the official release, which from now will be in 2 hours.

I woke up from my producer calling my name multiple times. "Sorry, how long was I out for?" I asked as I sat up and stretched my arms. "An hour and 15 minutes. Didn't you have much sleep last night?" They replied a little concerned. I smiled, "Not really. I think the most I had was 4 hours but it's okay I'll try to sleep earlier tonight." They nodded in agreement as I walked over to them. We discussed the release and other stuff and before we knew it, it was 7:50pm. Only 10 minutes left.

I decided to post on my Instagram story a little teaser of the song then post the same on twitter. 1 minute left. I took deep breaths as I felt more and more anxious for feedback from the world. 5,4,3,2,1..It's out!

I stayed on Twitter for a while reading all the tweets from my fans. Most of them didn't realise the meaning behind the song whereas others did and were really worried about me. I stayed in the studio for a few more minutes before I decided it was maybe time to go back home to Y/n and the dogs. I hugged the producers and thanked them before saying goodbye and left. I drove home and went straight to the bedroom.

I changed into comfy clothes and snuggled up in bed, when Y/n walked into the room. "Hey Demi, you didn't say anything when you came home. Are you alright?" She asked as she sat down on the bed besides me. "I'm really scared Y/n. The whole world knows my secret now. They know I'm a failure." My eyes welled up with tears as I tried to cover my face with the duvet. "Baby you're not a failure. You are the most strongest person I know and you are so brave for sharing this with the world. If anyone says something negative then they can kiss my ass!!" I laughed at her comment and sat up and hugged her tight. "I love you Y/n." "I love you too Demi." I kissed her lips before she snuggled up in the bed besides me, and we fell into a deep sleep.

A/n I've been struggling with a lot recently so I haven't been able to update you guys but I'm trying my best! Also sorry that this is a short chapter. I love you guys, STAY STRONG💗

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