Chapter 36

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Demi's POV
It has been a couple weeks since I released Sober and just like I expected the world was shocked to find out that I slipped up. The news had cooled down after a week or so, so now I can go out in public without people talking about it. Although every once in a while the fucking paparazzi still say shit to me about the whole situation. Next week, the second leg of my tour will begin and I can't wait!! This part will be in Europe and I'm so excited to perform in Europe since I haven't been there in a while. I know my fans are excited because my European Lovatics always have a go at me for never visiting!! It's okay though I still love them all and I can finally meet them and perform for them!

I've already packed for the tour and so has Y/n so we can just relax for this week then from next Monday everything will become hectic again. I'm excited to get back to work after this long ass break. I need to keep my mind on other things so I don't fuck up again. This morning I've been doing phone meetings with Scooter, making sure everything is good for the tour. I'm currently on my 4th phone meeting of the day and I'm already exhausted. I'm sat on the couch cuddled up with Batman and Ella while Y/n is preparing lunch for us in the kitchen. "Alright D, you and Y/n need to be good to go at 7:30am on Monday, and your tour bus will be outside waiting for you." "Okay Scooter that's perfect, see you then!" We said our goodbyes and I hung up the call. I placed Batman and Ella on the couch since they were both on my lap and I stood up and made my way to Y/n. She didn't realise I walked into the kitchen so I walked up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist and placed little kisses on her neck. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned in to kiss her lips slowly before breaking the kiss and smiling. I let her carry on preparing our lunch because I was starving so I sat at the kitchen island and went through Instagram for a while.

We both finished eating and just stayed sat at the island and carried on talking rather than getting up to clean the dishes. "Baby can I ask you something?" I looked at Y/n a little worried. "Uh sure babe what's wrong?" I replied. "Do you still want to marry me?" I was speechless, why does Y/n think I wouldn't want to marry her?? "Of course I do!! I love you Y/n so fucking much and I'm going to marry you!!" I held her hand and squeezed it a little to reassure her. "Baby why would you think I wouldn't want to marry you anymore?" I asked a little hesitant for the answer.

Y/n's POV
Ever since Demi relapsed she hasn't been acting like herself. I mean I understand relapsing is a difficult thing and in her case after 6 years of sobriety so she won't be in the best state of mind. But since she told me she'll stay sober and get help she's been really distant with me. It's like the kisses she gave me today was the first Demi-like interactions she's done since that terrible day. And I can't help but think how can we possible have a marriage like that?

"Baby why would you think I wouldn't want to marry you anymore?" She asked. I took a deep breath and spoke, looking everywhere but into Demi's eyes. "It's just that we haven't been talking as much to each other and when you kissed me before it felt like that was the first time we actually interacted with each other where you was more like yourself since the incident. And I can't help but think maybe we aren't ready for a marriage if we can't even act like a regular couple. And I want to support you with you sobriety, I really do, but I don't know if I can. If I'm capable." By now I was crying so much I couldn't finish explaining. I expected Demi to yell at me or just break up with me but instead she pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for what felt like hours. Eventually, we broke the hug and I wiped the tears that were still falling down my cheeks. I couldn't make eye contact with Demi, after what I just said, I couldn't. "I think I'm just gonna go to the bedroom." I didn't wait for Demi's answer I just stood up and left.

Demi's POV
Is that really how she feels? After she stopped talking I just pulled her into a long hug, I didn't want to let go considering how she felt with our relationship. After a while we broke the hug but she didn't even look at me. She got up and left and I don't know what to do to fix this. I love her so much and I can't lose her, not now. I put the dirty plates in the dishwasher and made my way upstairs to the bedroom. I slowly opened the door and saw Y/n laid down on her side of the bed crying. My heart aches seeing her so upset, so I quietly walked in the room and closed the door before going towards the bed and I sat down on my side. "Baby.." I said calmly. She turned herself around and this time she looked into my eyes. "D-Demi" I nodded and moved a little closer to her. "I thought you would've hated me for saying all those things, I'm sorry I don't know what's wrong with me." She started crying again so I wrapped my arms around her. "Nothing is wrong with you babygirl. Obviously you're upset about something so please just tell me everything that's on your mind so I can help and we can resolve this issue. I'm not letting this relationship fall apart because of my mistakes." Somehow I ended up crying so I wiped my tears before Y/n could notice. She nodded, agreeing to what I had to say, so we both sat up and she began talking.

"I feel like since you relapsed you haven't been totally honest with me Demi. You told me you were going to stay sober and get help but I know you never went to get help from a professional and I'm not completely sure if you're staying sober or not. Like the other day when you ran to bathroom so fast then insisted that you didn't do anything. All I want to do is help you Demi, I want to see you smiling and happy, not miserable and struggling again. Please tell me what's going on. Don't you trust me?" My heart ached, I didn't know how I could admit my mistakes to Y/n. After all that's happened since I relapsed I feel like such a failure and I end up throwing up or drinking again almost every night. I know the only way to save my relationship with Y/n is to tell her the truth so I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Y/n I'm so sorry you feel like this, I never meant for our relationship to end up like this. But you're right. I haven't gotten professional help and I do still drink or throw up food I've eaten. I couldn't tell you because I was afraid you'd leave me because of how fucked up I've become. But I promise I'll stay sober and I'm going to be honest with you with everything." I felt so ashamed at that moment, Y/n noticed how upset I was so she hugged me tight before letting go. We ended up watching movies and cuddling in bed the rest of the day and we didn't speak about this subject again. Now I really need to get my shit together, or I'm going to lose the woman I love...forever.

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